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Thursday, September 21, 2023

A Trunkhouse Kitchen Warming

At last! We've finally reached a major milestone in the construction of Roz's Trunkhouse - the completion of her kitchen! Yippee!

Roz can't help but smile as she looks around. It feels like home!

To celebrate, Roz invited everyone to come, see and enjoy the first of many delectable delights that will be prepared here from now into the future. Today Roz is serving desserts to please everyone's tastes: strawberry and chocolate cupcakes, nutty caramel and chocolate ganache cake and a buttercream frosted white cake with huckleberry filling. 

There is also a delightfully arranged charcuterie board generously contributed by Wayne, who received it as a gift from Birgit upon Roz's arrival from Germany. This is not the original food, mind you. Wayne devoured every crumb shortly after he received it. But Wayne is so ingenious that he learned how to refill the board himself!

Before the festivities started, Alice, Goldie and Wayne wanted to present Roz with a kitchen warming gift. The girls worked hard to make a pretty gift box to present it in, and have shared the tutorial with you.

Roz, never expecting anything, was so excited and touched by the girls' thoughtfulness! She couldn't wait to rip off the lid!

Back left is Alice, then Roz, then Goldie.
Rozario is left front and finally Wayne front right.

Huh? What is this... The shine! The color! 

A beautiful teapot! And it's so BIG! Perfect for the large crowds Roz plans to entertain! Everyone is so happy that Roz loves her gift!

Roz's heart was so filled by the gesture that she insisted that they try it out right away! Tea for everyone! And then the cake!

While they are enjoying their tea, let's have a look at some photos from around the room... We'll start off with Roz's sink area. You can see herbs drying from a rack on the ceiling and more growing in pots in front of the window. Roz loves to gaze out at the forest as she tidies up. Paper towels are within easy reach on the wall to the right. To the left of the sink are her wall shelves with food and staples. Various gadgets, utensils and cookware/bakeware are handily stored on pegs and the shelf below. Roz doesn't need much counter space, as her magic allows preparations to float in the air within hands reach.

As we sweep left through the small room we see the cook stove. Roz is so delighted to have it custom finished in her favorite purple metallic paint - it's a wish come true! Everything she needs to prepare delicious meals is right at her fingertips. She loves to gaze up at her watercolor paintings. They are the first pieces of wall art that she bought for the trunkhouse. They were painted by talented local gnomes who sell their work at the local farmers market every Friday. Roz hopes to continue collecting her favorites, and it won't be long until there is no open wall space left!

As we continue left we see the wee breakfast nook. While it is a petit little alcove, there is room enough for an open dish hutch, a table with four chairs and a shelf for Roz's special tea set. Wayne and Rozario will take turns on the stepstool for family dinners. The half round windows allow light to come in so the room feels cozy but not cramped. The light wall and timber color help it feel spacious, too.

The table is a little hard to view from the front of the kitchen, so here's a photo from before it went into the trunkhouse. Roz is very happy to have cushions on her chairs so that long visits are comfortable.

Roz's favorite aprons and cookbooks are stored on the final wall as we spin left again. She likes to switch both the aprons and the cookbooks out seasonally. It keeps her looking and eating fresh. Roz plans to add a few rugs here and there to warm the space up in the winter.

For viewers looking into the opening of the trunk, here is the view...

Roz is so happy with her kitchen and can't stop looking around. She's dreaming of all the happy memories that will be made here in the future. 

And while it is a compact trunkhouse kitchen, the most important requirement has been achieved: Everyone can be together here happily and comfortably! Time for cake!

Now that Roz's kitchen is completed and fully functioning, it is high time I get her and Rozario a nice place to sleep! Their bedroom is next in the queue. I hope you'll enjoy following along as I try to make it as lovely, comfy and functional for them as possible!

Thank you all for being here to celebrate Roz's trunkhouse kitchen with us!

xo xo,



  1. Happy Housewarming Roz! I love how everything looks. It's so cheerful. And the stove is my favorite. It's so grand!

    1. Thanks Sheila! And thanks so much for the housewarming gifts! I can't wait to share them with everyone!

  2. Jodi!! Everything looks so wonderful! You've attended to every detail, including paper towels! I wish I could visit and attend the housewarming party!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I wish you could be here to celebrate with us, too! You are discovering how much detail it is possible to put into dollhouses and why we are so excited when we accomplish a room!

  3. Oh what a lovely post! Roz looks so cheerful and pleased. I love this colorful kitchen. It's wonderful to see Alice, Goldie, Wayne and Rozario again.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thanks Drora! It is so much fun to finally have a reason for celebration! It seems like it took such a long time to reach the kitchen's completion!

  4. Es perfecta!! Increíblemente bonita, práctica, espaciosa y acogedora!! Es una cocina de cuento, como Roz La había soñado y mucho más, me ha fascinado y ver lo emocionada que estaba Roz con el regalo de su gran tetera, creo que ví que se le humedecían los ojos, ahora puede recibir a todos sus amigos y hacer el té de una sola vez!
    De verdad Jodi que me parece un sueño hecho realidad y ahora espero con ansia el dormitorio, seguro que volverás a fascinarnos!

    1. ¡Muchas gracias Pilar! Me alegra mucho que te guste cómo quedó la cocina. Ya me estoy divirtiendo mucho en el dormitorio, pero las responsabilidades de la vida me han alejado (como siempre) justo cuando quiero sumergirme, ¡jeje! Mañana llega la lluvia y dura una semana. ¡Quizás pueda aprovechar eso para pasar un buen rato!

  5. I love how you made the kitchen, beautiful colors and beautiful details and how you made everything, amazing! Also nice to see how you made cakes etc. and congratulations on being on etsy, well it's all great again, good work.

    1. Thanks Gonda! It has really been a fun endeavor working on this trunkhouse! It seems like when you have a theme it is much easier to know what to do next. Glad you're enjoying the progress, too!

  6. Your flair for story telling equals your talent to build. Thank you for the box tutorial. Love it. You always inspire us to do more, try more, to continue to grow in our own miniature endeavors. I enjoy the whimsy and playfulness of the Trunk House which offers the opportunity to indulge our inner child; you take us to our happy place.

    1. Thanks Ann! It has been so much fun to immerse myself into the characters and the story for this build! I hope when I reach the end it is all as magical together as it is in my imagination. The joy that one gets to experience when inspiration consumes you is what I want every soul to have access to. To know you feel that way by being here makes it all worthwhile! Thanks for your encouragement!

  7. Roz's kitchen is so full of colors that it brings joy! And the many details are perfect.

    1. Thanks Faby! I hope you are inspired to begin working on your next mini adventure!

  8. Una maravilla de cocina, has pensado en cada detalle, no cabe nada a la improvisación ,todo encaja perfectamente en su lugar. Seguro que con la habitación volverás a sorprendernos. Feliz fin de semana

    1. Gracias Rosa María! ¡Me alegra mucho que te guste la cocina! No puedo esperar para compartir el progreso del dormitorio. ¡Gracias por ser parte de esta casa tronco conmigo!

  9. That kitchen with all it's goodies is total perfection Jodi and I am so looking forward to seeing what you do with their sleeping quarters.
    I bet Roz was over the moon, she certainly had a huge smile on her face.
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks X! It feels good to have it finished for Roz and so far I am having fun with the bedroom! Hope it inspires you to make the beds for all nine girls! There are so many creative ways to go about it!

  10. will you be adding the large teapot to your etsy shop

    1. Hi Sandy! Just emailed you... The big teapot is one I bought on closeout from In case anyone needs it, I have put the link in the blog post. Should have thought of that sooner, lol! 😊

  11. It looks amazing Jodi, and so full of life, even without the mini occupants. You’ve thought of everything! And the guys all look pretty happy in there.

    1. Thanks Shannon! It feels great to have it finished up for Roz! So much more to do and time seems like it is racing by!

  12. Hi Jodi! Sorry I am so late to the party!!! Everything looks so beautiful!!! I have to admire the cookstove the most.... In going through old family photos at my Mom's I found one of our old castiron stove from the 70's!!! It makes me smile to see yours is so similar in design of not color! :) The food is so yummy looking I need a snack now! Lol! And all the accessories fit so perfectly in this little kitchen! Bravo! I didn't notice before that the kitchen window opens at a slant! Very handy! And the "family" all gathered together for the first time is really special! This project is heart warming from the bottom up! I Just Love it!!! (And gosh... I gotta find my way back to my Tree House....!!!) :)

    1. Thanks Betsy! I'm so glad you like the kitchen and you are never late! I was worried about being able to fit all of the necessities in the small space but luckily all the essentials made it in. I really need to get down to see my folks, soon, too, and I just love going through old family photos. And since your mom is still going strong into her 90's, there are excellent odds that you will have plenty of time to get to the treehouse and all of the other wonderful projects that your amazing imagination has dreamed up!

  13. Es una cocina preciosa. Llena de color y de utensilios variados que harán fácil el trabajo. Precioso el rincón de la mesa.

    1. Gracias Isabel! ¡Me alegro que te guste cómo quedó!

  14. Oh what a wonderful post! ;O) And as a German I now understood where the expression of "house warming" or in this case "kitchen warming" comes from: Because it's heart warming! It really is... and most of all seeing the whole fairytale gang together. I have no doubt they all had the most wonderful time together for the first time in this cozy nook, enjoying those delicious and yummy treats, enjoying their company and telling tales, joking around and having fun until it was dark outside and time to go to bed. And what a wonderful and heartwarming gift from the girls! I also like the pretty packaging, even more as it is reusable... for example for storing Christmas cook books during summer.

    And thanks for the beautiful photos of the kitchen, I've enjoyed discovering all the details so much. This is the coziest place ever, the perfect kitchen for a Fairy Beary Godmother who loves to spoil her fellows with the yummiest treats. And I bet you did not need any additional lights or flashlight when taking the photos as Roz's happy smile must have brightened the whole scene.

    However, there's one single thing, a tiny detail which confused us a bit... please forgive us our confusion but... eh... a tea party??? Honestly??? Is there something in the water around Seattle that made this metamorphis happen??? Or is it the influence of the Pacific Ocean in the air??? I mean... tea??? What happened to a lovely and cozy "Kaffeeklatsch"??? We started to wonder if Roz' might have forgotten her BiWuBeary roots... but not for long because then it made "click" and we understood: Roz is really at home now in her trea house with her new family and with one special family member who is totally familiar with tea parties... so if it has to be tea now fer her and the gang then tea it shall be for them. ;O) And we were really happy to hear that Wayne found a way to fill his board again and again... and we won't ever tell him that this might have a lot to do with a very kind and generous fairy beary who knows some refill spell... *wink*

    Birgit (who is still in need of cake... *sigh*)

    1. Thanks Birgit! It was heartwarming to finally have everyone together for a celebration. It would have been much more enriching if you and yours could have joined us! Your hint about Christmas cookbooks in the summer has me panicking because I have no Christmas gifts started yet and don't even have any idea what to start making for anyone!!! Would it be totally tacky to give gift cards this year? For what shipping costs these days, I could give really nice gift cards, lol!

      I am so glad you enjoyed the photos! You are right about Roz's smile brightening up the photos! And good thing, too! I think my 9 volt battery is about to lose the last bits of energy and then I will have to solve the wiring riddle sooner than I was hoping to have to!

      Please don't be offended about the tea party - I can explain! Roz has definitely brought her love of coffee with her from Germany. In fact, did you see her coffee grinder stored handily above the paper towels? Roz chose tea for this party because of Alice. You see, Alice has never had coffee before and Roz didn't want Alice to experience any embarrassing side effects during the party. Alice, who suffers a bit from IBS, will need to be brought into the coffee fold gently. As for Wayne, he might be showing a little bit of jealousy when it comes to all the things Roz can do with magic. It will be better not to mention the charcuterie trick lest he feel his new skill is undervalued. Men and their egos can be tricky, lol!
