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Thursday, February 8, 2024

Wayne's World

My regular readers will be familiar with our furry and friendly, handy and talented, resident raccoon craftsman, Wayne. His knowledge and willingness to tackle any task has been essential in making both the trunkhouse and the treehouse become a home. That is why I am delighted to report that this week it was finally time to begin working on Wayne's attic apartment!


Wayne's Attic Apartment

To regular 1/12th folks, the attic space might feel a little petit. But to Wayne, at just 2-1/8" tall (to the tippy tufts of his ears), it's absolutely palatial! Sounds great, right?!? But how do I utilize and maximize every inch of this place and give Wayne a happy home? It's a challenge, and to further complicate matters, its my first real "less than 1/12th scale" project that isn't an all-in-one kit.

To help me visualize and get a feel for the actual amount of space Wayne has, I found measurements online for standard half scale furnishings. Then, I created shapes in those measurements that I could print out and lay out in his apartment.

Good plan, right? Except when I asked Wayne to come take a look. We both immediately saw a problem. The standard half scale stove measurements would require that Wayne stand on a step stool just to use it! That just wouldn't do! 

Maybe half scale wasn't quite right. And Wayne is certainly too big for 1/48th scale. He is basically 2/3 of half scale. That'll make your brain hurt! Whatever the actual scale ends up being, the facts are simple: Wayne is going to need an entire apartment of customized furnishings and accessories sized just for him. How fun! 😄

A half scale stove is just too tall.

Wayne and I took some measurements then went back to the drawing program. Our second set of models looked much, much better!

We felt confident in taking our measurements over to Design Space to create our first pieces! We started with the cooking stove, as it will also serve to heat the apartment. And alongside that we created Wayne's dry sink and hutch cupboard.

Here Wayne is installing the stovepipe and pot burners.

And here he's painting the hutch and dry sink unit before assembly.

Yippee! The first area of Wayne's apartment has it's furnishings and they're a great fit!

But there is still so much more Wayne needs to live a comfortable life! Kitchen table and chairs, comfy arm chairs and occasional tables, bookshelves, nightstand, rugs, mementos and good lighting... The list is long but now that we know how to scale things, everything in Wayne's World will fit him perfectly!

Back soon with more progress!

xo xo,



  1. Wow, what a beautiful luxury for the bear and everything custom made, great!

  2. As height challenged myself, I use a stool to reach the second self in my upper cabinets, so I feel Wayne's pain. If we tend to look through the lens of reality to guide us. Homes are often redesigned to accommodate the resident's physical challenges, so you and Wayne came up with a great plan. Now Wayne doesn't need to worry about an unstable stool. So cute!

    1. Thanks Ann! I can't imagine anything worse than living in a world that didn't fit you! I'm height challenged, too, and wish all my kitchen stuff was stored no more than one foot above or below my waist, lol!

  3. This post just brightened my whole day, including the title! I love how you and Wayne are customizing the space and furniture just for him. I'm very impressed with your planning and measurements! He's going to have a wonderful apartment to live in, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses.

    1. Thanks Michelle! Wayne and I are having so much fun! I think the tinier the things the exponentially more fun!

  4. Que buena ocasión para salir de "la zona de confort" y crear algo tan personalizado para el artesano Wayne! realmente se lo merece después de haber trabajado tanto. Estoy segura que con tu imaginación y sus buenas manos para el trabajo, le va a quedar un apartamento fabuloso! Desde luego sus primeros muebles son geniales!

    1. Gracias Pilar! ¡Realmente disfruto el desafío de hacer muebles en una escala tan pequeña! ¡Cuanto más pequeño es, más adorable parece! ¡Abrazos!

  5. Looking great Jodi! Loving all this progress, and great to hear your mom is doing better and no cancer!

    1. Thanks Shannon! We are so relieved and feeling incredibly lucky to be going back to life as usual!

  6. Wow, Jodi, Wayne works lightning fast! Lol! The stove and hutch are adorable!!! I love the "scale" you worked out for him... completely personal... er raccoonal! :) I think he chose the perfect color for the hutch in his part of the Tree House a lovely foresty-green! Just Beautiful! I have complete confidence that between you and Wayne and your "Design Park" of equipment (as Birgit calls it), you will make the most Wonderful tiny adorable things for his apartment! Aren't the little scales fun???!!! (I just adore them!) Keep up the great work! I can't wait for the next installment! :):)

    1. Thanks Betsy! Me and Wayne are having so much fun! Adorable overload! And he is picking really great colors for his furnishings. He doesn't particularly care for purple, lol! Raccoonal - Love it! 🤣

  7. My initial thought was that the attic room is rather small for Wayne but if he will be happy there, then it's fine. It sounds like a challenge to fit there everything you have planned. I look forward to following how it will turn out.

    1. These dollhouse attics are always a challenge, aren't they? Always the danger of hitting your head on the ceiling, even when you're a petit fellow! Hopefully Wayne will have all the comforts of home once we're finished. His workshop will definitely have to go elsewhere on the grounds, though!

  8. The attic room is perfect for little Wayne. I'm sure you and Wayne will be able to use the space perfectly. I'm curious to see more.

    1. Thanks Faby! It is fun to see just what we can manage to make and fit in from Wayne's priority list! This scale is extra challenging for my fingers!

  9. Hi Jodi!
    As much as I enjoyed catching up with what you have been up to and seeing the progress on the tree house and Wayne's room, I was over the moon to read of your mom's results . . . what a blessing and relief that must be for you and your family.
    I'm still out of action for now, but will be back posting as soon as I can read without using the magnifying glass (hopefully after the 29th Feb).
    Big hugs,

    1. Thank you, Sandi! It was so amazing to be pleasantly shocked in that way! We were all bracing for the worst and even the urologist was surprised!

      I hope you are improving a little each day and will come back with renewed vigor! I know when I am forced away from creativity for periods my mind just keeps filling up and storing ideas! It is almost excruciating! Hope the 29th goes excellently! Big Hugs!

  10. Dos piezas muy importantes y aún dispone de mucho espacio!!!

    1. Gracias Isabel! Tengo la sensación de que Wayne es un poco rata de carga, así que va a encontrar espacio en ese apartamento para muchos... ¡tesoros!

  11. Hi Jodi. I didn´t realize that Wayne was on a different scale but I seems that you have found the key to furnish his apartment to his size and liking and that´s great. I am sure that making all the required furniture on a non familiar scale is not a big deal for you and I look forward to following your journey. I am sure Wayne will be very pleased at the end.

    1. Thanks Alex! It has been a fun challenge to make furniture custom fit for Wayne! Lots of opportunity to try new things, too! Hopefully, once we are finished, Wayne will love his apartment!

  12. You may have noticed by now that I always feel an urge to sum up my feelings when reading your posts with the introductory exclamation "Oh, what a wonderful post!" But this one time I really need to say this for a change: Oh, what an EXCELLENT post! ;O) And of course: Party on, Wayne!!! You rock, little fellow!

    However, I'm somehow showing now a teenytiny bit of colour in my face resembling the colour of Wayne's beautiful hutch... although in my case it's the green of jealousy... You are soooooooo lucky to have the handy Wayne around - the picture of him painting the cupboard with his brush in his paw made my day.

    And I'm so glad that this is really becoming Wayne's World taking care of his unique size. So good that both of you made some kind of a pre-test first noticing that Wayne needed something much more special than standard half scale. (Let's keep in mind that most accidents happen in the household... and many of them when stepping stools or ladders are involved). But in the end not very surprising - Wayne is such a special chap that he really needs to have his own scale. And thanks to Betsy we can even name it: The raccoonal scale! And of course everything you're building can only be called Raccoonal Chic... Wayne's World will become the best place ever for a guy to relax after a busy work day. And who knows... perhaps with a little headbanging to the "Bohemian Rhapsody"... ;O)


    1. Thanks Birgit! "Excellent", huh? I think it must be Party Time!!! 😃😃😃

      I'm so happy you liked seeing Wayne painting his hutch! We had fun making up a quick prop for the shot! And rest assured, Wayne didn't feel any pain when we poked a hole in his paw for the handle, lol! He is happy to have one now for all future shots where he needs to hold onto tools!

      We are really enjoying the process of discovering "the raccoonal scale" of things, though I confess there have been several "do-overs". We'll be working on the third version of his bed soon and with a little luck Wayne will visit the "Dream Weaver" soon! 😉

      Big hugs my friend! Hop you're working away on the shed!


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