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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Creative Solutions Found In My Stash

The little flower shops received a bit of progress over the past couple weeks by way of adding lighting. I'd have gone crazy here (working candles, lamps etc.), but had to reign myself in. Each shop needed to run from a single nine volt battery pack, and because of this, I was limited to five bulbs for each shop. A three bulb chandelier and then two single bulb side lights to supplement.

One of the restrictions that I have put on myself over the past couple years is to try and use what supplies I have on hand whenever possible. I began to feel a bit obscene buying more minis and supplies when I'd already accumulated so much. In addition to feeling better about myself and my footprint on the world, this policy also forces me to be creative, which is where I find the most fulfilling enjoyment with this hobby anyway. 

So for the supplemental lighting on each side of the chandeliers (which were already in my stash from an eBay lot sale), I made my own fixtures using clear plastic footed bowls and 12 volt bulbs and sockets, also from my stash. I drilled holes large enough for the screw bases to seat a little into the hole so the bulb would only stick out the bottom a little.

Then to make the clear bowl opaque, I mixed a little off white paint and Tacky glue and applied it to the inside of the bowl. I finished the edges with gold paint marker.

Here's what they look like with the lights off...

Peach shop

Blue shop

And with lights on...

Peach shop

Blue shop

The 9 volt battery packs will sit on top of the roof, hidden behind the protruding sign portion of the front wall. I am likely going to add a lean to type removable roof piece to camouflage it. The battery packs were in my stash, and I had extra 9 volt batteries leftover from the last time I changed all the smoke alarm batteries.

But first, I am in the midst of shop fixture auditions and finalizing the color scheme for each of the shops. It is great fun getting to work on two opposing colorways at once! In this endeavor, I am also trying to use up what I have in my stash, though if I need to create a fixture or an accessory, it's nice to know the Maker and the 3D printer are close at hand.

Stay grateful for all the liberties you enjoy, and keep those not so fortunate in your constant prayers. There but for the grace of God go I.

xo xo,



  1. I love how the lights show off the different colors of the shops. And they look great!

    1. Thanks Sheila! It feels good to be working on a long abandoned project!

  2. Se ve genial el nuevo avance, me encantan los dos colores,besos

    1. ¡Gracias Rosa María! ¡Espero con ansias la parte de hacer flores!

  3. Es muy divertido ver como avanzan a la vez dos escenas tan diferentes en color.
    Quedan maravillosas.
    Las lamparas se ven geniales.
    En nuestras oraciones están todos los que están siendo privados de su libertad
    Un saludo.

    1. ¡Gracias Mariana! ¡Es un placer poder disfrutar de dos ideas muy diferentes al mismo tiempo!
      Es importante que el mundo se una contra esta agresión. Si no, pronto todos los países libres estarán en peligro. Las oraciones funcionan, y Dios convertirá esto en algo bueno como solo Él puede hacerlo.

  4. I love the aesthetic you are working on with this project. I am glad to see you tackling projects.....We have just got to keep swimming my friend and remember His promises.

    1. Thanks Carrie! It has been fun to get grungy with them! And you are so right - when we remember to remember, the sense of peace and that all is right and will continue to be is such comfort! We often forget we live in a broken world, but it's all part of His plan. We are always safe and whole and perfect. :O)

  5. What a great idea for the lights, they look lovely. You've given me something else to consider for lights in the kitchen in my current house :-)

    1. Thanks Polly! Necessity really is the mother of invention! I can't wait to see what creative lighting ideas you share with us from your project! It's such a triumphant feeling to find creative solutions!

  6. What a lovely use of your stash. Using salad bowls for light fixtures is very clever. They turned out really cute. I now realize that there is so much variety in lighting that I must just open my mind and eyes to find ways to reuse what I have to create lighting solutions.

    1. Thanks Sherrill! You are so right - just pondering the subject for a few days and trying things out in our minds can lead to the most unique and helpful of answers! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  7. This is brilliant... in more than one meaning. Oh, and before I forget to mention that... what a wonderful post! ;O)

    I always admire your skills with lights - but this time even you have outdone yourself. It's not just because you've turned those "simple" pieces into beautiful lamps - but it's the way you've painted them, with this certain Jodi-touch. This little touch of gold was just the right stroke of genius to make those lamps both awesome and realistic... and the way you've achieved this effect is so easy and simple. What an inspiration... and the result is so beautiful.

    It's good to see you've reached the fun part which is playing along with minature pieces which might fit and be right to receive the honor of moving into those awesome shops. And best of it... the even funnier part is still waiting: Decorating!!! Ah, all those flowers, pots, vases and decorative pieces that you are going to add... I already look forward to being flashed by beauty. ;O)


    1. Hi Birgit! It's so nice to meet you here again! And thank you, as always, for your kind and encouraging words! I am so glad that you like the way the little plastic bowls came out. I was so happy to have found that solution, given all the obstacles I had to work around!

      I have begun to make some kits that I had on hand this week, and to make some supplemental buds. I am having so much fun that I find myself getting an attitude like a teenager when I have to stop to prepare dinner and at bedtime! Who needs sustenance and sleep, anyway??? I guess getting to make mini flowers is just the next best thing to being able to grow them! Spring is coming, my friend, and I know your garden will be magical once again!

  8. Great idea for the lights in the shops. Furniture and accessories are perfect.

    1. Thanks Faby! I hope all the elements come together nicely at the end!

  9. Hi Jodi! You are Brilliant with your home-made lighting projects! They always turn out looking so professional and... not "home made"! LOL! I think you must have a magic wand that you wave over your projects... they look so perfect and polished and coordinated! That you are doing "two-fers" of everything makes it even more impressive! I would be stuck at the first decision still.... I am always so impressed with what you achieve in a short amount of time!!! :):) As with the others... I can't wait to see more! Keep up the great work! :)

    1. Hi Betsy! It is so lovely to converse with you here again! I am so glad to have your approval on the light fixtures - there is definitely no magic wand (imagine how great that would be!), but I guess having to struggle to come up with ideas (given all the limitations) gives an even greater sense of accomplishment once you figure it out! I still would have loved to have more lighting features, and an exterior fixture, but sacrifices had to be made and accepted due to time/transformer lack/mediocre planning. I am really hoping that both shops (hooray for two!) will be filled and fascinating by the end in spite of having to reign myself in. Thank you so much for the kind encouragement, and now I must head over to see what you've been getting done!!!

  10. Me encantan ambas tiendas. Muy elegantes!!!

    1. ¡Gracias Isabel! ¡Ha sido divertido pensar en ideas para ellos! La mayoría de los paneles interiores eran recortes y sobras, ¡así que es aún más satisfactorio usarlos!

  11. Elegant shops, I love both, you did a great work with lights, love it!
