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Showing posts with label Botanique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Botanique. Show all posts

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Filling The Happy Tank

When you love something so much, when it's just an integral part of who you are, and nearly nothing else in life fulfills you as much or creates as much internal joy, it's really hard to give it up. Over the past couple months I felt my SELF shrinking somehow. Don't misunderstand - my heart has been FULL of family and plans for a future making incredible memories together, but still, something important was missing.

Last week, I found myself in between domestic projects and longing for something creative to do. Did I have a small kit or project I could do? It was then I looked across from my desk and saw the incomplete flower shops waiting patiently on my shelves. So patiently, as I haven't worked on them since February of 2017. When I did the math on that one I nearly fell out of my chair! Could it really be 5 years?!?!? That was when I started the chipboard storefront kits from Alpha Stamps that had the working title Botanique. One was planned for me to keep and one to give to a special person in my life.

When I left off on the projects I had only just scratched the surface - wallpapering and adorning the interior walls and ceiling with trim.

Then a panicked thought shot through me! Where had I put the kit's front pieces??? It had been five years, after all. And loads of other "stuff" has come into my possession in that time. I should learn to trust myself more. They were safely stored in the first drawer I went to. Phew!

They were blank canvases! Nothing holds more possibility than that! So, what could they become? My original ideas came flooding back into my mind. And in fact, I had started an idea folder for them on my computer way back then. Looking through the saved photos, my heart was still leaning in the same direction: A sort of old Paris type street shop that had seen a couple centuries, but was loaded with gorgeous fresh stems of all varieties and bouquets of every colorful combination. Herbs and plants, too!

So to start, I added a little detail and it didn't hurt that adding the wood trims strengthened the chipboard storefront, too.

And then came the fun part: the details! I used Dresden trims, jewelry findings, laser cut fretwork trim pieces leftover from other projects and some chipboard lettering.

I was having so much fun, and my happy tank was once again overflowing! This project was exactly what I needed, and here they were waiting for their turn in my hands! Hallelujah!

I forgot to mention that these shops come in two sizes: a standard depth and a deep version. I have one of each.

To finish the outside, I thought to keep them the way it might have been a couple centuries ago. A brick building encased in stucco. Of course, the shop has been through many things in it's lifetime, so some of the stucco has fallen away with time, exposing brick beneath. Luckily, I have some Magic Brik materials and Greenleaf Stucco mix in my stash from past projects.

The photos below are just after applying the Magic Brik around the foundation and in strategic areas on the walls.

And then below, laying on the stucco. The best tool for the job turned out to be my finger! I smeared it where I wanted, then took a moistened sponge to remove my fingerprints. And what a mess I made! A vacuuming break was imperative while the stucco dried.

Not knowing just how much of the original bricks color I wanted to show through, I painted individual bricks with washes in tans and grays. I got out the heat gun to assist the water evaporating. Time is of the essence!

The shop owners over the years have opted for the inexpensive approach, painting the exposed brick and the stucco in a unifying color, and not spending the money to make restorative repairs. But time and grime have left their mark, lending character. This was achieved with many layers of color washes and sponging until I liked the look. Right before I had taken them into the garage to apply spray sealer, I realized that I could add another layer of character by going over some edges with an ink pad. I hope to get to that fun step later today! 

Each of the shops will have a 12 volt chandelier hanging in the center of the shop, with a supplemental bulb on either side. Hopefully, this will be enough to light the shops well. If not, I may add candles with candleflame bulbs to the fireplace and lamps. The only issue there is concealing the wires. I would like them all to come out through the ceiling. That way, the battery pack or transformer can be hidden beneath a false lean to roof on the back behind the sign portion of the front cover. We'll see!

I can't say whether these shops will reach their conclusion this year or five years from now. I only know I am so grateful to have found the time and the enthusiasm to work on them again. It has been so good for the soul!

I miss my daily visits to everyone's blogs to see your progress, but hope to be able to roll that passion back into my routine soon. Until then, I hope each of you are filling your happy tanks and making progress on all your mini dreams!

xo xo,


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

When Ideas Won't Leave You Alone...

Last week when I posted about our upcoming anniversary trip I really thought that I'd have no time for minis. Yeah, right! In the midst of doing all sorts of road trip prep, packing and domestic chores all I can think about are minis! From contemplating paint colors to dreaming up whole new project ideas. I think when my mind is in neutral that's when the best ideas come to life. The kind of ideas that just won't leave you alone...

Before the Saturday "deadline", I played around with some kits in the packaging to see what might work. After I had a rough idea of how the displays and fixtures would fit, I began to make some kits.

I had a couple of these little plant stand kits but it seemed like I needed something a little taller. These were great - just needed a little tweaking..

I cut the two back tabs from the chipboard shelf piece...

Then did a little re-configuring by gluing what was supposed to be the front piece to the back/top of the back piece...

I added some brackets, additional shelving and trim...

And there you have a set of display shelves with much more display space! Once they are painted and filled, I think they will be lovely!

I still have to add some French fru fru and paint but it's a great place to stop before vacation!

Because, while I could have been spending this bonus mini time getting more accomplished on the flower shop, that nagging idea just kept dogging me. It just would not go away! You know an idea really has a hold on you when you are willing to dedicate 45 minutes to reorganizing, labeling and taking inventory on your little trims and moldings.

I started by cutting the floor pieces to 6" x 6". I had 1/8" plywood so I cut two pieces and bonded them together for a little more substantial base.

It wasn't until then that I thought it might be a good idea to put on paper the ideas floating around in my head. You know, with real measurements ans stuff so I'd know how long to cut the pieces?

Once I had dug out the materials and felt a clear direction I got out the saw and wood glue.

Because I am an experienced mistake maker, I made sure the window fit again after the glue was setting up!

The second wall was much easier because there will be no window. Now I just have to find my protractor and figure out how to cut that angled roof beam.

 The base needs a little work and I'll get that sorted out before I build the support beam and roof pieces for the other 2 "walls" which will be mostly open. Then sloppy paint and clapboards, some shelving and some cute accessories and maybe this garden shed idea will be done with me!

I will likely post from our travels on the road, but until then, I wish you many mini ideas that will spawn new adventures!

Oh! And, ~C~O~N~G~R~A~T~U~L~A~T~I~O~N~S~ Morgen of Another Tiny Obssession for your third place win in the 2016 HBS Creatin" Contest! I absolutely love Under African Skies! Just brilliant!


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Botanique Begins...

It is so exciting for me to start a new project! I used to get the same giddy feeling when I was little and got a brand new box of crayons. So many possibilities in one little box.

Speaking of little box, you may remember that for the flower shop I am using a chipboard kit from Alpha Stamps. Its called the Storefront Roombox. It measures 10" tall x 10" wide x 5-1/2" deep. I feel like I can pack in a lot of visual lusciousness without taking up much precious display space in the 1:1 house. And the amazing price means I have more cash to splurge on some special pieces.

It is super simple to dry fit and pull back apart for planning. There are offset tabs and slots and the chipboard is sturdy with just enough give. An added bonus is how much less space it takes up on my work table than a large project. I can lay out all of the materials - if I can see them, it is less likely that I will forget to use them (I hate when I do that).

I was surfing around the Greenleaf store contemplating another project (thanks mom and dad for the birthday mini money!) when I came across their new patterned doors. I instantly thought they would make wonderful wall panels. There are a front and matching back panel to the doors so you get two panels for every door you buy. Plus, they include a full size solid door panel to center in between the panels and a piece of frosted "glass". Even the panel waste pieces can be used for a multitude of things. Not bad for $4.95!

I used them as wall panels in the shop and have plans for the "waste" shapes, as well. Here is where I need to tell you that in addition to my build, I am simultaneously working on a surprise project for a very special person. I may show glimpses of that project now and again, but mostly it will be in secret until after it has been given to the recipient. Hence, the panels painted blue and in obviously different shapes than the panels in my shop.

Over the last several days I have added the wallpaper, panels, moldings, fireplace, mirror and flooring. The flooring I am using is one that I have wanted to try out for several years now - like since I did the Starbucks in 2013. Well, I finally ordered it from HBS/ and it is awesome. It is the 1/24th scale latex brick sheet. It looks and feels amazing and the detail is wonderful.  The area of brick that sticks out past the side wall will be the shop's outside display area. I may paint the brick in the shop interior, but for the exterior I will just add some moss and mold. You know, the kind of stuff that Weed-B-Gone never really works on for long in real life.

The hole in the side wall is going to get a bay window later on. The chipboard is so much easier to cut than 1/8" plywood that alterations are A-OK!

I have a lot of lighting to add - ceiling fixtures, sconces and lamps. They are all 12 volt, but the wires will connect to battery packs which I plan to hide in a false ceiling. That is another great thing about the chipboard - easy to punch out small holes for wires.

I am working on a fancy design and finish for the ceiling. This is where I'm at so far. I need to make it removable to access the interior, so that is a challenger I'll have to face later on.

I'm working on some of the shelving that will run along the tops of the wall panels. Then I'll start some of the table, shelf and display kits to see what's going to work and what I have to customize to maximize display space.

I only have a couple more days before I have to put the minis away and turn my attention to other exciting things. Starting Saturday, Russ and I will be finalizing plans and packing for our 30th wedding anniversary!!! Three weeks of road tripping, camping, desert southwesting and family visiting! It just freaks me out to realize that it was 1987 when we got married. I can tell you the years went by like a flash, probably because they were all so special and wonderful! He truly is my best friend and my favorite person in the world!

Last but not least, I would like to take a moment to thank HBS for their amazing generosity! It is so much fun to participate in the Creatin' Contest, but to receive Honorable Mention is beyond what I ever dreamed of! Thanks so much for hosting such a wonderful event every year! It must be so hard to choose the winners from the vast pool of tremendously talented and creative contestants! I can't wait to see all of the entries!
