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Monday, June 26, 2023

Learning Curve

Last post I left off with waiting for the mail. Story of a miniaturist's life, right? 😊 But this wee package held the big hopes of Roz and I, as they were potentially the last two windows for the trunkhouse. I saw them on eBay: Calico Critters replacement windows. While they're a little outside the box for a regular dollhouse (they are closer to half scale, too), Roz and I loved the size, the carved detailing and the working shutters. We thought it was worth taking a shot that they'd work for the living room. We weren't disappointed!

Like all the other windows in the trunkhouse, they had to have a little customization in order to work with the curved walls. The way the plastic windows are constructed, it was really easy to attach a box made of chipboard using wood glue.

Unlike the rest of the trunkhouse's windows, the boxed part will be outside of the room. This way, Roz can enjoy all their pretty details while she's sitting in the living room. And she can close the shutters when she wants a little privacy.

Of course, even more customization to the windows was requested from Roz, but more on that next post...

The next task to tackle was getting the living room ready for it's heat source: a wood burning stove. Being inside of a tree trunk, it was imperative that we have some kind of heat shield. So, I went over options with Roz, showing her photos to choose from. She really loved the look of natural stone, but again, we faced unique challenges because of the curved walls. The solution was quite simple, and in fact, also allowed us to recycle part of the Sonotube. We simply had to cut a scrap to the width and height we needed - the exact curve of the wall was already formed! For the hearth piece, it was only a matter of tracing the curve onto a scrap of chipboard and then cutting it out. I had pieces of nicely textured cardboard packaging saved, which proved to make perfect fieldstones.

The "fieldstone" has been applied to the wall and hearth pieces,
has been sealed and is getting ready to be grouted.

The wall piece after grouting, age washes and affixed to the wall.

With the heat shield and windows ready, it was time to begin the wall treatment. For this, I needed more "timbers" which I cut from cereal box cardboard. They are 1/2" wide and are glued together in three layers to achieve the right thickness. 

Here's where time has skipped far ahead and you see a jump in progress. Unexpectedly, I found myself with only tiny stretches of mini time (as a consequence of my real life activities hoarding my time). Something had to give and that was my chronicling process. In the photo below, you see I have already painted and installed the "timbers" to the living room walls as well as the baseboard and header timbers (which hold up the ceiling/kitchen floor).

Part of my "learning curve" was figuring out how to work in this tall, awkward, unbalanced tube. Laying it down on the table proved to be the best solution, though working in through the various openings was challenging. Here, I am applying glue to each "timbered" panel before I applied Paperclay to it.

I'm not sure at this point how the "tree bark" is going to tie into the openings, so I'm adding an outline with Paperclay to cover the cardboard edges.

Below you can see that I have applied Paperclay in between all of the "timbers". I tried my best to be neat, but wrestling with a round tube, this was the best I could do. I have plenty of painting, sanding and clean up ahead of me.

Here in the US we'll be celebrating our Independence with a long holiday weekend. Hopefully, with all that behind me, I'll have more interesting progress to post about!

Until then, hope you're enjoying a fun and busy summer, too!

xo xo,


  1. Hi Jodi! What a great idea to use those little "Calico Critters" windows! The difference in scale really won't matter in a Fairy Tale Tree House after all! The working shutters are so much fun and it is a stroke of Genius to put them on the inside!!! (I have always adored interior shutters on windows.... just don't have any!) The fireplace "stone" looks great, and the solution to use wall scraps from the tube is perfect! As always, I can't wait to see more! (And enjoy the Holiday with your family too! :):):)

    1. Thanks Betsy! I am so excited to have this room finished for Roz so she can enjoy it! It is fun to use new resources on this fantasy build and I hope things come together the way they look in my mind's eye! Patience is as hard to come by as mini time lately, but hopefully I can make progress with the little chunks of time. Hope you enjoy the holiday, too!

  2. Your "Calico Critters" are called "Sylvanian Families" in Australia and I have one of their houses, yet I have never seen windows like these Jodi. You have wonderful intuition, I would never thought of using them, but they are perfect for your trunkhouse, and I particularly like the floral detail.
    I'm loving the interior with the timber/Paperclay and the stone work, it's going to look really homely by the time your finished.
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks X! The more I see of the Calico Critters and Sylvanian Family toys the more I wish I had little ones in the family to buy them for. So many neat ideas with those accessories! I have taken on a big and challenging job with the trunkhouse, and I hope it comes out half as adorable as it seems in my imagination!

  3. I absolutely love your windows! They're so pretty and charming. Your field stones and timbers are awesome too. I'm saving my cereal boxes!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I really enjoy all the "outside the box" ideas I've gotten to try out in this project! And it feels really good to put some recycling to good use! Have fun imagining with your cereal box cardboard!

  4. Those windows will add a really fun element to the interior. So far it’s looking to be as fun and interesting as the main treehouse is, and a great companion piece.

    1. Thanks Shannon! I am getting a lot of blank stares and "Wow! That's going to be huge!" comments from my family. It better come out good or I fear they'll begin plotting my commitment to the loony bin, lol!

  5. The windows you got are lovely, Jodi! They work perfectly in the tree house, and I'm sure Roz is over the moon with stones and the timbers which look perfect!

    1. Thanks Julia! I am figuring things out a little at a time with this trunkhouse, and I am finding that I just have to trust that I'll find solutions as I encounter the challenges. Big risk for big reward, I hope!

  6. Las ventanas quedan perfectas y encajan con la puerta y las maderas sobre las paredes.
    ¡Felices vacaciones!

    1. ¡Gracias Isabel! ¡Me encanta encontrar formas de incorporar detalles encantadores en todos los lugares posibles!

  7. Hi Jodi,
    This is my 3rd attempt to make and complete a comment on your post. Somehow my comments fail to be published.
    I absolutely love the little windows which are perfect for Roz's trunk house.
    I also love the floors, stonework and the paper clay work, that even before sanding looks great.
    Happy 4th of July day!
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thanks Drora! And thanks so much for your dogged effort to support me with your encouraging comments! I think a lot of us are really frustrated lately with the compounding Blogger issues, especially since there seems to be no common solution. I have learned with some blogs, like Betsy's, that if I wait until the page is fully loaded (by seeing the loading circle stop spinning), my comments are more likely to stick. I also leave her page open for a while before I close it. I copy and paste my comments into a Word document, as well, and if I see the comments have disappeared in a couple days I re-paste them. It takes dedication, but I am determined to support our amazing community until Blogger gets fixed or we can find a more supported (and still free) platform. Giant hugs to you for your patience! I am so happy to hear your input on how the trunkhouse is coming along.💗💗💗

  8. I love the fireplace stones and the half timber walls. The windows are a good find, they fit the theme very well!


    1. Thanks Huibrecht! I am enjoying the fun but challenging aspect of seeing the character develop in this project!

  9. I really not sure how I missed this post--a family reunion to plan for, I would suppose. Love the windows. I always marvel at how you find just the right item, odd and unique as it. I've not worked much with paper clay, but I learned something new today. Happy 4th.

    1. Thanks Ann! I know how crazy/busy this time of year is! It must be even more so with grandkids to organize and spend time with! I really enjoy finding the "unique" aspects in this project - this genre really lends itself to experimentation. I think you'll love Paperclay when you find a use for it - it's messy fun!

  10. Me encantan las ventanas y creo que encajan perfectamente en la casa del ĂĄrbol!! que buen hallazgo, Jodi estaban predestinadas a formar parte de tu creaciĂłn!
    Esa chimenea tiene un tamaño genial para pasar las duras noches de invierno bien calentitos, en una butaca y leyendo libro tras libro! ¿Me harĂĄn un hueco?
    Disfruta del largo fin de semana de la Independencia con tu familia y amigos!

    1. ¡Gracias Pilar! Espero haber hecho los cĂĄlculos correctos y habrĂĄ suficiente espacio para acomodar una cantidad cĂłmoda de muebles. ¡Roz tambiĂ©n necesitarĂĄ hacer algunos negocios en esta sala!

  11. Esas ventanas son preciosas y hacerlo en forma curva me parece un trabajo fantĂĄstico, besos

    1. ¡Gracias Rosa MarĂ­a! ¡Estoy disfrutando el desafĂ­o de trabajar con las paredes circulares!

  12. I'm loving your roundhouse. The windows are delightful, and the stonework is great.

    1. Thanks Polly! I love all the opportunities this trunkhouse is providing for fun details!

  13. The small windows are beautiful and fit perfect. The stones of the fireplace look so realistic and the floors are very beautiful because the boards are laid well.

    1. Thanks Faby! I am glad to have your encouragement on the elements of Roz's abode! Hopefully, we'll have her settled in soon!

  14. Veo que has avanzado bastante en esta parte de la casa desde que deje el ordenador.
    Has hecho 2 entradas y fabulosas cada una de ellas.
    Los resultados geniales y esas ultimas ventanas son preciosas.
    Un saludo

    1. ¡Gracias Mariana! ¡Me alegra mucho saber que te gusta el progreso! ¡Si pudiera encontrar las horas que necesito, me dedicarĂ­a a llegar mĂĄs lejos! Al menos los ocupantes de la casa del ĂĄrbol y del baĂșl tambiĂ©n estĂĄn ocupados.

  15. Oh Wow! I don't envy you the task of dealing with all those curves! But it's going to turn out so wonderfully. The cardboard beams are the perfect solution, more forgiving (and cheaper) than wood.

    1. It has been challenging, educational and also fun! I am enjoying getting to eat all the cereal, as well, lol!

  16. Question: How do you know that you're VERY, VERY, VERY late in dropping by at one of your most favorite blogs? I bet you can guess the answer: When you notice you're having the big pleasure of enjoying 3 whole posts in one setting! Woohoo!!! And btw - oh what a wonderful first post from the three I am able to read now! ;O)

    It's so much fun seeing Roz's future home developing from a Sonotube project into the dream tree house being worth to be a FBG's residence. Those windows for the Calico Critters were such a wonderful find, deep bow for your mini eye disovering their huge potential at once. They look so lovely with their "carved" details on and you know what I always say: Never be afraid of plastic - it can always be changed into something lovely or - when in your hands - beautiful. I also love the idea of attaching them in the uncommon way with the shutters inside. That's brilliant... and regarding the temperatures rising higher and higher it also seems to be clever to have the shutters comfortably inside the living room.

    And it made me smile how clever you solved your only-being-one-for-about-1/2-a-second-problem with the curved fireplace's heat shield. Using the leftovers from your tower material is sooooo you... brilliant. And as always your stonework is stunning.

    Birgit (who is now happily going to visit the next post)

    1. Hi Birgit! It is nice to see you no matter when you arrive, and your tardiness makes mine feel a little bit more in fashion! After all, it is simply expected this time of year to be juggling all kinds of fun, adventures and responsibilities. I hope yours have been amazing!

      Roz and the gang have been deeply engaged in summer fun over at Kairi's beach house, and love that it is so conveniently located on the beach. This has worked out great for me because by the time she pops in to check the progress, it looks like I have a lot accomplished! I am glad that you like where the ideas are taking us, and with a little luck, she'll be moving in sometime in the fall! đŸ€žđŸ€žđŸ€ž
