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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Tasha's Kitchen - Good "F" Words...

Fun Filled Fabrication (FFF), that is!

I got my black PLA, and let me just say that Hatchbox is the bomb! No clogs, no drips, no errors. My only crash in the learning curve was not applying enough glue stick to the printing bed. It resulted in lack of adhesion for the gas cooktop trays and caused a couple pieces to lift and harden off the bed. Nothing for it but to start over.

A whole bunch of mini cooktop components printed in black this time!

But I learned, adapted and moved on. And my tenacity resulted in a smaller gas cooktop version, this time a four burner measuring 2" x 2" x 3/16" high. It comes with either black or red knobs - whichever mini chefs prefer.

I sold two gas cooktops this week! Thanks Kathy and Ann for taking a chance on me! 💗

If you'd like one of your very own, kit or complete, Click Here.

Next on the production board was the exhaust fan for the cooktop in Tasha's kitchen. I had an Island Extractor Kit from Elf Miniatures, but you know me! I've gotta try to make a good thing great! 

Measuring for placement. Standard is 30" to 36" in real life, so about 3" in 1/12th scale. Russ says people pretty much put them where they want, especially with good models which are rated for farther distance from the cooktop. Since my ceiling is vaulted, I needed to put it on the high side. I also had to cut the ceiling angle into the block of wood. Russ made quick work of that for me and promised that "once he gets his garage organized" he'd get the saw set up in there for my self service. 😁

Once I had the wood cut and aluminum adhered to the "pipe", I had to think about how to improve the look and function. I wanted the cooktop to have lights above it so I needed to create a slim housing for the fan and the lights. 3D printer to the rescue again! I made a frame, the light/fan insert, a back cover and a trim piece to wrap the pipe. All three bottom pieces snap together, then the trim piece sits on top sandwiching the "glass".

I was working on this before the black PLA arrived, so like the first gas cooktops, I printed in red PLA and then painted with the Posca marker. I used a silver Krylon marker to paint the fan's screen, as well.

Once the pieces were dry I began to assemble the insert by attaching the screen and installing the pico LED lights.

To assemble the fan unit to the "glass" and "pipe" I used 5 minute epoxy.

Pretty flippin' cool, huh?!? With the lights on... 

Now to get it onto the wall. I had to remove a section of the protruding tile trim so that the "pipe" would lie flat against the wall.

And add a trim piece to the wall above to bring it to level with the tile.

Test fit...

SCREECH! I better take a moment here to talk about the third wall... I attached it.

With the roof on...

And then fed the extractor wires through the back wall...

And then installed the extractor...

and then the wet bar lower cabinet...

and the tile backsplash...

And the upper cabinet...

And there you have it! Sheila asked in the comments last week where the fridge was. Because I was working in such a compact room box, not wanting to overwhelm Tasha with a giant first vignette, we are opting to imagine that both the fridge and the spacious walk in pantry are somewhere beyond the "Fourth Wall". I hope you'll all play along with that narrative!

Next week... Island, potential stools and maybe even shelving! Whatever comes, I hope all the "F" words in our lives will be good ones!

xo xo,



  1. Si la instalación de los fuegos de la cocina ya me encantó, el extractor de humos me parece grandioso, con luz incluida!! Cuando te pones a hacer algo, realmente logras un realismo asombroso!
    Me encanta como todo va tomando su forma, como va encajando cada parte en esa maravillosa cocina.
    Que gran trabajo Jodi!

    1. ¡Gracias Pilar! ¡Los pequeños pasos que estoy dando con la impresora 3D realmente están expandiendo mi mente a las posibilidades de lo que podría hacerse en el futuro! ¡Es realmente muy emocionante! Ahora, creo que necesito empezar a utilizar un programa CAD con mayores posibilidades. ¡Aquí voy de nuevo en la curva de aprendizaje!

  2. What a stunning kitchen. I bet Tasha would be converted after this! You are doing a marvellous job. The color combination, the simple yet elegant lines, the beautiful work areas and cabinets, everything just make the most perfect and beautiful kitchen I am sure Tasha will treasure for many years.

    1. Thanks Alex! You can plan and imagine but you never truly know how all the elements are going to come together in a project. Working in such a sleek and modern setting makes it harder to pack any charm inside. I think this is where Tasha's heart beats, based on our conversations and sharing of photos, but I am nervous all the same. As long as she knows that I have stretched myself to go beyond where I've been before, she'll know it was a labor of love. I want her to feel loved, thought of, appreciated and special to me when she receives it. Fingers crossed!!!

  3. Gosh Jodi this is AWESOME!!! I have missed a couple of your posts and am now playing catch-up. It absolutely blows me away, what you manage to create on those fancy 'thingy-majiggy' machines of yours :-)
    As for the fridge and stuff - I am all for a bit of imagination.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Anna x

    1. Thanks Anna! My 'thingy-majiggy's' have been indispensable in this project, because on my own nothing would have been as tiny, straight, or square, lol! I am so glad to know that you can already see the fridge and pantry in your imagination, too!

  4. I love how it looks! So cheerful and the contrast with the cabinets and tile is lovely. The fan/extractor looks great! I love that it lights up and worked out so well.

    1. Thanks Sheila! As I was first imagining the fan and lighting, I began to look for wood! Old habits leave slowly. I am so glad I remembered to try the 3D printer! And I can't wait to test all the lights at once with the roof on. Fingers crossed!

  5. Jodi - you are brilliant! I am speechless! Tasha is one lucky girl! I am in absolute awe of this beautiful kitchen and the skills you have developed in using the newest technologies. Great big hugs coming your way! - Marilyn D.

    1. Thanks Marilyn! Your support gives me hope that Tasha is going to love her kitchen! If not for the Maker and the 3D printer, I'd still be making cabinets!

  6. WOW, Jodi, your kitchem project is so amazingly awesome and you are a genius by using your tools for making the most genius 'kitchen machinery' and utensils for this kitchen. I am sure that your beloved Tasha will be over the moon seeing this project, it's just a real life kitchen and you did it with Fun Filled Fabrication (your own F-words) ;O)! Having fun in making miniature works is a blessing and salvation these days, at least it is for me ;).
    As for the fridge and the rest: we'll see with what you will come up with, but I'm sure it will be more genius and impressing stuff, keep on making mini's!
    Stay safe, take care, dear Jodi!
    Hugs, Ilona

    1. Thanks Ilona! I could not agree more about our projects being a blessing and a salvation! For me it also counts as therapy, as even in the toughest conundrum about how to make something, it keeps life's anxieties at bay. Luckily for you and me, our projects have a long way to go! 😊

  7. Wow Jodi, impressive! It’s looking great! Loving all the details and especially the wet bar. It’s really fun. I didn’t even think about a fridge but then I tend to ignore the fridge too! To be honest, I don’t find them very exciting and not particularly useful for displaying anything fun (unless it opens and you get to see all the mini open jars of jam or dinner leftovers but I can do without them). I can tell you are having fun with this kitchen.

    1. Thanks Shannon! I think you are right about the fridge - it's really not high on my list of things either, because it takes up precious space. It would be fun in a big house, though, like you said if it was filled with fun mini foods.

  8. ¡Me encanta como queda la campana!. Has hecho un magnífico trabajo con ella.

    1. ¡Gracias Isabel! Estaba tan indeciso sobre si optar por lo ultramoderno o por algo un poco más tradicional. ¡Pero me alegro de haber elegido este estilo y creo que a Tasha le gustará!

  9. This is just fabulous! Love the colour! Love the wet bar! Love the extractor! You've done a fabulous job creating with new technology.

    1. Thanks emjay! It's been fun to try an utilize each of the tools where I can! I'm happy to know you are liking the elements going in to the design!

  10. Tasha's kitchen is Fantastic, and I am glad you are having so munch fun.....I can't wait to see what decor goodies you have in store.

    1. Thanks Carrie! Me too! I have taken the items from some of the photos she shared with me and tried to find close matches in miniature. I think I have a good selection, and am looking forward to trying to make a few things, too! I am so glad I started this project with six months to go before her birthday!

  11. You have paved the way for the rest of us to build our exhaust systems. I have a fairly good idea now how to light mine. I do have a question: will the the LEDs be battery powered or do they connect to 12 Volt Electric? I am so excited to receive my cooktop! I hope you sell a bunch. You teach us so much. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Ann! I would love it if sharing Tasha's kitchen inspired readers to make their own dream kitchens and improve on my ideas!

      I will be running this project's lights from an Evan Designs 3 Volt DC Adapter/Transformer because all of the LEDs are 3 volt. Here is the model:

      I am using a combination of 3 mm, 3 volt lights in the ceiling (and likely in the sconces still to be made):

      And chip nano pico lights in the cabinets, fridge and under counter wet bar:

      I will likely have an outdoor light, as well, though I am still mulling that over in my mind.

      Let me know when the cooktop arrives and what you think! Thanks again for ordering! 😀

  12. No fridge? Fear not. Your fabrication for a favorite family member is still fabulous. I’m fascinated with applying future tools to our favorite hobby. Fooey, I’ve failed to find further F words so have fun!

    1. Ha ha! That was excellent, Sherrill! I love the word "fooey"! My grandma used to say it all the time in a context that would crack me up! She was such a card!!!

  13. Ohhhh, Tasha va a estar feliz!!!
    Esa cocina es realmente impresionante, el color, la forma, los acabados,los fogones, la campana...sólo puedo decir que es 100*100 autentica, parece tan de verdad, creo que es el mejor elogio.
    Seguiré atenta a tus avances.

    1. ¡Gracias Carolina! ¡Eso es un gran elogio! ¡Ahora que los huesos están terminados, espero agregar algunos accesorios que lo calentarán un poco y lo harán sentir como en casa!

  14. Tu cocina es espectacular, y las luces en la campana extractora le dan todavía más autenticidad.
    Me encanta !!!!

    1. ¡Gracias Eloisa! Estoy emocionado de probar todas las luces a la vez ahora y ver si hay suficientes y en los lugares correctos. ¡Crucemos los dedos para que todos sigan funcionando!

  15. Cada elemento que incorporas da un realismo total a la cocina , esa campana extractora es perfecta, buen fin de semana, besos

    1. ¡Gracias Rosa Maria! ¡Espero que toda la iluminación funcione en conjunto para proporcionar una sensación agradable y suficiente para ver!

  16. I'd love to have a real size kitchen exactly like this one. It's an eye candy! Your explanations are always wonderful to read. I'm sure Tasha will be very proud to have and display it.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thanks so much, Drora! I wish I could build you a real sized kitchen just like this one! I bet you are an amazing cook!

  17. Hi Jodi,

    My "F" word for this post and kitchen is "Fabulous"! It may sound obligatory at this point but this Kitchen is really wonderful! And off course the fridge is in the pantry, which lies beyond the fourth wall. Who would dare to suggest it otherwise? ;-)

    In the kitchen for the new house we will move into end of summer I will only have a small built in tablefridge in the kitchen. I hate the look of large fridges myself. But you can't live without them, so I will have a large fridge and freezer out of sight in the pantry off the kitchen.

    So, I totally dig your design choices!


    1. Awww Thanks Huibrecht! You are a Fine and Faithful Friend for supporting my lack of refrigeration and the progress in Tasha's kitchen! What a wonderful thing to have such a nice long time to plan and organize the move to the new house! That should make it a much more pleasant and exciting experience! I hope you'll share photos with us!

  18. The extractor looks great with the light. Now the kitchen is almost complete.

    1. Thanks Faby! I am looking forward to getting it far enough along to pull out the accessories and play with the arrangements! But in terms of nearly finished, the list of tasks is still a long but joyously anticipated to one!

  19. As Huibrecht has already added "fabulous" to your list of good F-words I can now gladly skip throwing in "fabulous". But I'm happily adding a bit of French and German touch with the words "formidable" and "fantastisch" - which means I was able to enjoy the results of a Fabulous Formidable Fantastische Fun Filled Fabrication. Or in other words: Half a dozen of F's! *LOL*

    It's so impressive and wonderful to see this special kitchen now altogether with the third wall and the main elements being installed. I said it before and I say it again - make sure to have tissues at hand when you hand this over. Tasha will need some, no doubt about it... and she will not only admire the beauty of her dream kitchen but also cherish that this is a work of love from her Mom.

    Seeing how you built the extractor and learning how difficult it was to fit this in regarding the roof etc. was stunning. And adding the lights was worth the effort, what a gorgeous and of course realistic effect. Btw I am convinced that the fridge is standing next to the kitchen in an imaginary small chamber where next to the fridge the food supplies are stored. ;O)

    Not to forget: Congrats for selling the gas cookers - although it's no surprise that some people were clever enough to get one for themselves. And now - have fun with the island and the decorations.... hmmmm... what about listening to that old Madonna song when working on this... you know... "La isla bonita" *grin*


    1. Thanks Birgit! I love "formidable" and "fantastic", too! All the good words keep my enthusiasm for the project filled to the top! 😊
      And the anticipation of Tasha's reaction is such fun to think about as I add each new layer to this project! I might get away with not having a fridge as long as I don't show her one of Darota's lighted refrigerators! That would blow her mind and she would immediately start singing "Material Girl", lol!

  20. Dear Jodi, I absolutely Love the look of this kitchen with the roof "temporarily" in place! The shape and proportions are so classical and clean and modern all rolled together! The Fun filled Fantastic Fabricating you have done is, Can we say just Far Freakin Out!!! (Sorry my age is catching up with me!):)But truly this room just keeps getting more and more fascinating and your fabrications are fulfilling your goals! (Please stop me with the "F's"!!!) I love the contrast of the blue and white with the old fashioned flooring...! Good thing you are not trying to add a Frigidaire....! And anyway, the details you are adding are Perfect in every way! You and your printer are a Force to be reckoned with... (Aaagh... I have to stop!) I Love what you are building and so will Tasha! :):)

    1. Thank you Betsy! Far be it from me to forestall your fabulous flattery fraught with frivolous finery! Frankly it makes me feel fine! I'm so fortunate that you find it fun! To be fair, for me it has been functionally facile, filled with fascinating fancy! Your faithful and forever friendly support has been a fundamental favorite! 💗💗💗

  21. Cada detalle que añades es un trabajo maravilloso de ingenio y estudio,
    La campana es fantástica y la escena esta quedando preciosa.
    Estoy deseando ver el final porque augura ser una maravilla.
    Un saludo

    1. ¡Muchas gracias por tu amabilidad, Marian! ¡Estoy tan feliz de saber que estás disfrutando del proyecto!


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