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Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hello friends! I surely thought I'd be back before now to share progress on the Travel Trailer. The truth is I have worked on so many different things when time permitted, but I hadn't really finished anything. I made finishing my priority over the past week and finally have a little progress to share.

My son in law was having trouble with a tippy floor fan so he sent me an stl file of a foot that was designed to make tipping over impossible. I had to confess to him that I hadn't turned on the power to my 3D printer since December of 2022! I had my doubts I'd even remember how to use it! Luckily for me and for Brent I did remember, and when he came up for a concert that weekend I was able to give him eight perfectly printed fan feet!

All that to say that once I had the 3D printer going, I couldn't stop! I made a list of all of the accessories, 3D printed and otherwise, that Roxanne needed for the trailer and set about crossing them off. I made toiletries like shampoo and conditioner bottles, body wash, cleaning bottles, soap pumps and tissue holders. I made a 70's style alarm clock radio, magazines and extra towels. too.

I made bills, envelopes, cards, postcards, letters and stamps for the mail organizer. Roxanne is a little old fashioned and still gets her bills mailed to her and pays things via checks in return envelopes. Remember those?

Then I made a few shoes and boots. Roxanne doesn't have the room for an extensive collection, but a girl has to have at least one pair for every category. I made gardening boots in several colors. I plan to give them a little whimsy, soon. She can pick her favorite pair and keep the others in the greenhouse. I made a boot tray for next to the front door, as well. Roxanne's passion is her garden so mud and dirt are a constant challenge.

She also needed a pair of comfy Uggs. These were achieved with a little paint, glue and chopped up yarn.

She also got a pair of printed Crocks in green with a little flower bling added to each shoe.

They'll live in her bedroom on a shoe rack. The ends were 3D printed and then a piece of stained wood was added to match the trailer décor. The middle shoes are the ones Roxanne came with. Totally not her style and it looks to me like there are two right feet. We'll donate those to the doll factory for anyone with two right feet.

We needed bookends for the dining area shelf. I thought watering cans would make cute bookends so I made a watering can in Tinkercad. Then I digitally sliced one in half and made the bookends. I'll share it on the bookshelf in a future photo.

The bookends got me inspired and soon I was making watering cans in various sizes.

And then flower pots with saucers...

And Square planters in graduating sizes...

And then I got some terra cotta pla filament for the 3D printer and made more pots and saucers!

And black seedling pots and tray...

And then I wanted to make a cactus terrarium for the bookshelf so I printed a variety of cactus in various sizes. I had fun with the colors and shading experimentation. Maybe one day I'll even attempt real stickers!

For now I just potted a few and made three terrariums because I had three glass bowls.

Now you know why so much time goes by before I have anything finished to share!!! Hopefully next time I can share the paper pots I made, where to get them, what terra cotta paint looks the most authentic, my succulent experimentation and some new outfits for Roxanne. 

Until then, my friends, I hope you are able to get lost in inspiration, even for a little while.

xo xo,



  1. Jodi, esta vez tengo que agradecerle a Brent que te decidiera a encender ti impresora 3D!! Así además de llevarse los pies del ventilador nos has deleitado con tantas maravillas impresas!
    No sé qué me gusta más, si esas macetas, los cactus que son alucinantes, las botas de agua (aquí las llamamos katiuskas) de las que todos los inviernos compro para mí, las preciosas regaderas y esa maravillosa idea de hacer sujeta-libros con una de! es que has hecho verdaderas preciosidades!!!
    Deseando que siga la racha creativa y pronto estés de vuelta!

  2. Ha ha I totally understand! Just planted spearmint in my real garden going off deep end with ideas ha ha

  3. Wow, Jodi, this is what I call a come-back into the mini-world!! You made and created so many and wonderful things in miniature, unbelievable!! I love all of it and it's great to be back into miniatures.
    Your inspiration gives you so many ideas!
    Hugs, Ilona

  4. Hello Jodi, when you get inspired you don't stop halw way, do you? It is greatvto see that one item brings you to the next and then another. I recognise the destraction. On the one hand it can be a hindrance. But more often then not it brings a lot of great new mini's that can come in handy in other projects than the current one.


  5. Genial tu retorno compartiendo todas esas maravillas, son preciosas todas ellas. Será una maravilla verlas colocadas en sus respectivos lugares. Besos

  6. Oh My Heavens, Jodi, you are Amazing!!! I absolutely LOVE every single new tiny treasure you have made for this Trailer! Those postage stamps!!! The return envelopes...! (I am one of those old fashioned people who use those and am a bit annoyed when there isn't one included...!) Lol! The garden magazines..... those cactus terrariums... The Shoes!!!! And those Uggs.... I had forgotten about them! :):):) Not to mention the lotion bottles and the shelf bookends... Watering cans! You are too much!!! :):) I am So So glad you are finding time to make minis and be in the "Machine Park Zone".... and to blog about it! Your creativity is so inspiring and the fact that you share so much of what you learn enriches all of us so much!!!
    As for catching up.... impossible so don't even try! Lol. I know my posts are long and wordy... I love words too, ... but just knowing you are okay and finding some mini time cheers my heart! Thank you for sharing so much! And I really look forward to seeing Roxanne's new wardrobe!!! :):):)

  7. Jodi, I am absolutely enchanted by all your miniature items! You make me want to get a 3D printer!! Even to print a foot for a tippy fan is an amazing thing. The letter box full of letters and stamps made me squeeee with joy! The boots, the Ugs, the Crocs! Oh, everything!!! Do you make the patterns yourself? I have no idea how a 3D printer works, but I'm fascinated.
