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Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Heart Of A Trunkhouse

It is often said that the kitchen is the heart of the home. I believe with all mine that this is true, even if that home is in the trunk of a tree. In light of that, I had to be sure that Roz's kitchen included all the aspects of a good heart: warmth, lightness, openness and welcoming to everyone. I think with it's bones, at least, this kitchen imbues those qualities. Let's explore how it came to be...

Before I proceeded any farther than the wainscoting and windows, I wanted Roz and Rozario to get a feel for the space and to share some of their ideas. They were so excited to imagine starting every day together here, and to dream about gathering in this space for dinners with friends. Roz's only instruction was to keep it predominantly "treehouse" feeling, with only subtle clues that a Fairy Beary Godmother inhabited the place. Roz believes it is a bit distasteful to be too "on the nose", especially if your favorite color happens to be purple.

I pointed out how easy it was to blend in the window seams with worm rolls of Paperclay, smoothed and blended with water. I also had to make sure that she thought that aging the walls and wainscoting with washes was the look that she liked. She thinks the "lived in" feeling is charming!

Of course, in honor of complete transparency, I had to point out a few mistakes. For example, in hard to reach (and see) places it is easy to become overzealous with the washes. Or to miss painting places completely! I assured Roz that in reviewing photos every week it would help me catch and address any issues. She's so kind! She told me that she knew I was meticulous and not to give it a thought! 💗

With Roz's enthusiastic endorsement of the kitchen's direction, I felt confident to keep going. That meant it was time to install the ceilings. For the breakfast nook, I needed to crate a template for the oddly shaped room with what else but... cardboard!

Once the template was fitted, I added rough wood strips...

Then wood beams. It seemed easier to leave them long, glue them on and then trim them to the curved ceiling shape.

I matched the color of the ceiling's floorboards (lol) to the wall color and the beams to the wainscoting. This will keep the feeling light in this tiny nook.

And speaking of light, I installed the fixture. It seems like a nice size for the room, though I actually had to install it twice. The first time it hung so high that you could hardly see the fixture. This was a bit maddening as I distinctly remember measuring, planning and testing exactly how low I wanted it to hang. Something went awry in spite of all that, so, I pried the fixture off, added a length of chain and reinstalled. Luckily, the repair went off without a hitch.

Yes, that is Rusty's empty bed to the left.
Much of this second floor work has been best
accomplished by my sitting on the floor.

Because of the height of the second floor, when the trunkhouse sits on my table I have to work standing up. After a long time standing, I really need to sit down. I move the entire operation onto the floor. Rusty is usually right at my feet while I work, but whenever I move to the floor, he insists on being right next to me (and even touching me). Talk about warm hearts! He's the sweetest boy ever!!! And yes, in spite of his wishes and pleads, he is on a diet plan. 😊

Woodson (Wubby) is never far away, ether. He gets up periodically to tell the neighbor kids, through the screen door, to get off his lawn, lol. They just love to tease him!

The boys are especially lazy today as it s hot. I have a floor fan that blows cool air directly on them as they lay there keeping me company.

Back to the trunkhouse... Because I already had the kitchen ceiling/bedroom floor cut and covered, installing it was easy (after I added its beams and painted everything to match the nook). To decide where to place the sconces, I got out the Chrysnbon Cook Stove Kit to measure for size. There will be a sconce on either side, as well as a centrally placed ceiling fixture. I am leaving the option open to add additional lighting if it seems necessary after I add all the furnishings. It is so hard to tell the amount of light you'll get at this stage when you are still testing on a 9 volt battery.

Testing all the fixtures at once... Yippee! Everything works!

With the second floor kitchen now ready for furnishing, I am free to get started on the final floor of the trunkhouse! It will include Roz's bedroom and Rozario's sleeping nook. Roz has generously allowed me a bit more freedom to personalize this space for them. Hopefully, with a little creative thinking (and a little luck), they'll both love their spaces! Rozario's unusual ceiling is definitely going to test my brain cells! 

Be well, my friends, and put your heart into everything you do!

xo xo,



  1. A nice read with my morning coffee. The boys are the best support team, aren't they. Brody does not like the basement, except for pop corn and when dad's gone and it's thundering. I am always impressed with your work. the lighting brings the spaces to life. You make it all look so easy. The ceiling beams will give that added warmth and charm to the kitchen. Love it.

    1. Thanks Ann! Rusty and Woodson are so special to us and with Russ working out of town four days a week, they keep me from feeling lonely and untethered! That is funny about Brody not liking the basement! Dogs have such complex and endearing personalities! I am so glad you like how the trunkhouse's personality is beginning to develop! This has been such a fun project to do!

  2. Jodi los principales protagonistas Roz y Rozario te han dado su aprobación, el resultado ha sido fantástico ; me encanta como has colocado la iluminación. Trabajas en muy buena compañía, se nota que están muy felices tus mascotas a tu lado haciéndote compañía. Besos

    1. ¡Gracias Rosa María! ¡Siempre es una buena sensación cuando a los clientes les gusta tu trabajo y es una gran ventaja contar con el apoyo moral de Rusty, Woodson y tú!

  3. As usual, I'm so impressed and delighted with all the little details you're putting into this Trunk House. It's so wonderful! And then to read about you sitting on the floor with your little friend right next to you gave me such a warm, happy feeling!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I am glad to know you like how the trunkhouse is taking shape! I just love rustic character, and there have been so many great opportunities to play with them in this project! Rusty was a total surprise and not even supposed to be my dog. It is funny how that happens and I can't imagine going a day without him in it now!

  4. Hi Jodi! The Kitchen "Heart of the Home" is looking toasty warm and cozy! I love seeing the picture of Roz and Rozario taking a look-see at the progress! It gives a good sense of the scale of the room.... (the Fairy Bearey's being on the "short" side for miniature scale!).... and they look perfectly comfortable and already at home in the room! I am sure Roz is dreaming up some tasty treats for when the stove gets finished! And the lights look fabulous too! I am sure this is going to be one of those "story book" kitchens when it is all done! :) As for the blotchy washes... I think they are true to character for a Tree House Interior that might have seen a few "smoke effect damages" (Rozario!) that needed to be repaired once in a while! (Forgive me, Rozario, for accusing you of getting carried away when you blow on your porridge to cool it down!) And I am sure that when the furniture and decorations are all in place it will look completely natural! As a Tree House should!!! I am really enjoying this project!!! :):):)

    1. Thanks Betsy! I am so glad you are liking the kitchen and enjoying this fun project with me! When I thought about scale, I wanted to capture a bit of the feeling of the characters being a little too small for the big world. One of my favorite movies growing up was The Incredible Shrinking Woman with Lily Tomlin. Giant French toast being dumped on you as you're trapped in the garbage disposal??? Yes, please!!! Humor is a huge part of my snarky personality in real life. So naturally, Roz is going to have to spend a good deal of her daily life on stools to reach things or hovering in the air, lol!
      And clunky and story book are exactly the look I am hoping to capture in the project, too! Almost cartoon-y, though it might read to some as just plain sloppy. 😊 Once the stove goes in I'll definitely have to add more fire smoke, maybe a burn spot on the wall and then have Rozario sign it! Baby dragons are dangerous, and accidents are just going to happen!

  5. I really love your breakfast nook! Especially the little overhang on the step up. It makes the whole room feel more real to me. Why is it that no matter how we measure something doesn't work once its installed? I think Dollhouses are haunted by gremlins! But I'm glad the chandelier came out easily and reinstalled without too much trouble.

    The sconces and ceiling fixture for the kitchen are wonderful. I have so much trouble with curves/angles and estimating where the lights will actually hit as opposed to where they're fixed on the wall. I really need to remember your trick with the wall plates to make lights stay better.

    The bedroom alcove ceiling... Anything with a curve and then an angle... oh that makes me crazy... I'd get a lot of cereal boxes or cardboard that isn't smooth enough for other uses and start experimenting with the shapes. You could also try cutting pie slice shapes and taping them together to see how it looks. You could get a curve and angle that way and lay beams over the seams on the inside then cover the tape with shingles on the outside?

    I can't wait to see what you come up with!

    1. Thanks Sheila! The mis-measuring is happening a lot on this project, so I have decided that rather than fight most of it, I'd try to allow things to become "character", lol! But the chandelier had to be seen!!! And I am glad you are going to try the sconce plate thing - it is one of those things that adds a subtle detail and a helping hand!

      Thanks for the great ideas for Rozario's ceiling! I am currently working on a "Half Dome Curved Ceiling" theory and I hope it actually works! And that it will end up looking perfectly natural for a trunkhouse! 🤞🤞🤞

  6. Love the round room - your attention to detail is great.

    1. Thanks Troy!!! We are currently in the planning/perk test stage of building a real life Barndominium, though it is a simple rectangle. I hope doing so many mini homes has given me a few transferrable planning skills that will come in handy, lol!

  7. Aaawww your dogs seem like sweeties! So cute! And great progress on the tree house too. The kitchen is looking so lovely.

    1. Thanks Shannon - they are such a big part of our world! The progress on the trunkhouse has been so much fun to accomplish! I am excited at the prospect of furnishing it soon so Roz can move in!

  8. Now there's a couple of well loved (and fed) dogs, what a pair! I wish my Thomas would sleep a well as those two. LOL!

    The trunk house is coming along beautifully, I like your choice in lighting, it's perfect for the kitchen & nook.
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks X! They are soooo loved and unfortunately, I am still learning that food is not also love. I think their diet is harder on me than on them, lol!

      Glad to hear you are liking the trunkhouse progress! I am excited to get started on the fixtures and furnishings so Roz can move in! Luckily, Wayne and the girls are having such a fun summer they aren't yet concerned that work on their treehouse has paused.

  9. Dear Jodi,
    I love the way your tree house is coming along. It takes a very out of the box way of thinking to make completely round rooms look so good and cozy that only you, dear Jodi can create. I'll be the first one to be sad when this project is completed.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thanks for your kind encouragement, Drora! I am having such a fun time with the challenges in this trunkhouse and feel truly lucky for the opportunity. The cherry on top is being able to share it with mini friends from all over our world. I still have a long way to go before the project can be called finished, and I hope you'll continue to accompany me every step along the way! Hugs!

  10. Late again... but not too late to admire your newest work. And there's so much progress to admire!!! Yippiiiiieee... so much that I almost (but only almost) forgot my usual introduction of: Oh, what a wonderful post! ;O)

    It was indeed wonderful to see Roz and Rozario having a look at their future home - offering us a good impression about the size. And while the "over happy wash" already made me smile Betsy's comment about Rozario being somehow responsible after too much blowing over his porridge made me smile all over. Isn't it great how one thing comes to another and a storyline can develop just from a little happy over wash (Btw this reminded me of Bob Ross adding a happy little tree in some corner) And if you'd really consider Rozario to sign a few burnt marks I am wondering what might happen... *LOL*

    It's so much pleasure and fun to see your progress and to see how this wonderful project develops. Roz must be over the moon... even more as I'm sure she totally agrees like I do about the kitchen being the heart of the home. And I know she appreciates all the attributions you came along with this to describe it... and even more I know she will bring those to life one day... while Rozario is going to add a bit of interest to walls... ;O)


    1. Thanks Birgit! Your comments are always very much appreciated because although they sometimes come in well past others, they are always so thoughtful, so funny and so full of great ideas! For example - having Rozario "sign his work" has me both ROTFL and seriously considering how to make this happen! 😜

      Roz and I have reached an exciting stage in our endeavors to get her moved in and are collaborating daily on the direction to go in for some very important living accessories. It will take time, but August should be a very productive month for us (with a slight detour mid month where Russ and I will host our kids and their special partners for a few days while we conduct a long awaited fence rebuilding party). Bits and pieces of news to come, but don't feel any pressure from me and the gang to come by before it is totally convenient for you!. 💗 Hugs!
