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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Bucket List

One of the dollhouses that has always been on my bucket list is the Willowcrest. Unfortunately, the kits (made of 1/8" tab and slot plywood) were discontinued by Greenleaf sometime after the last release in 2009. I didn't get back into minis until 2012, so I thought I may have lost my opportunity forever. I've always kept my eye out for one, but whenever I saw them, they were way over my comfort price for a dollhouse kit. There are currently four of them on eBay ranging from $375 to $450, not including the pricy shipping. And they don't guarantee the condition or completeness. Yep - way out of my comfort zone. Farewell sweet dream...

And then... You know how when you make a wish, sometimes the universe conspires to make it come true for you? Well, imagine my surprise when, randomly, a Willowcrest kit showed up in my Facebook Marketplace feed! It was located less than an hour from me, it was the same price as the last release price in 2009, and it was brand new! Sort of. The nice man who sold it to me was selling it for his sister, who, received the kit from her parents back in the 1990's. She's a busy mom now and has no hope of ever having the time to build it. No problem! It'll be going to a good home - mine!

When I opened the box, everything looked to be there and was in amazingly good shape. You can imagine how delighted I was when I confirmed that every sheet was accounted for, and at least topically, in tact. There was even a brand new set of Houseworks door knobs in the box. Bonus! They aren't pictured here, but the instructions, schematics, warm up sheet, Greenleaf Guarantee sheet and catalog were also inside and in perfect condition. ✅

I really didn't want to start another big project, as I was enjoying the regular endorphin rush of completing my many "almost finished" projects this year. But you know how the miniaturists' mind works: let me just look at the instructions, let me just punch out a few pieces to see the wood's condition, let me just do a quick dry fit, let me just take some notes and make some plans for the future. Um hum. You know where this is heading. I'm alternating now between groaning "What Have I Done?" and extreme excitement.

Punched, primed and dry fit the pieces from the first page of the instructions.

I had a talk with myself. I said "Okay, so we're doing this now. Accept it and get to work!". I spent the first few days scouring the internet to see what those who've gone before me have done. There is so much inspiration! The kit definitely has a few awkward and challenging spaces along with it's uniquely beautiful Second Empire features. Many have tweaked the design or added on to gain square footage and maximize the usable space. The very best example of thinking totally outside the box and hitting a home run with the kit is blogland's very own Elizabeth at Studio E! Her Villa Leone, which is set in Venice, is astonishingly beautiful and extraordinarily creative! Fittingly, it won Best in Show at the Vancouver, Canada mini show! 

I am not that ambitious with my plans, though I can't help but want to make a few improvements and use a few of my technology tools to see what can be done. To that end, I began with the room that, by all accounts, they recommend you start with: the entry/stairwell that spans both the first and second floors. This is because it quickly becomes inaccessible, so it's a build/decorate/build situation. 

Kitchen, front, looking into the entryway/stairwell room.

Looking thru the front door opening into the entry/stairwell room.

Spiral stairwell's left corner.

Looking thru the front door opening you can
go straight into the kitchen or left to the living room.

That meant I had to make some decisions right away. I often begin a project by finding an inspiring paper pack, and that's exactly what I did here. I wanted to do something totally different than any of my other projects, and kind of in keeping with Second Empire style. I chose the Stamperia Grand Hotel paper pack as my theme. My Willowcrest wanted a very romantic and old fashioned kind of feel, but because I am a die hard Laura Ashley fan, I'm going to mix many patterns and colors using these scrapbook papers as inspiration.

Next, I assembled the staircase. This was so that I could get it measured against the kit's right (looking at the front) wall. You see, I want the first and second floor entry/hall to be seen as much as is possible. It's a grand space, probably the best space in the kit because it's mysterious. It really ought to be appreciated! The kit comes with a very tiny (and cute) diamond square window, and the upstairs landing can be seen through the front window, but viewing into those areas is extremely limited.

Photo Courtesy of More Minis

After the stairs had been minimally constructed, I was able to mark up the main stairwell wall to plan for a much bigger window. In keeping with the kit's design elements, I decided to use the French Door window (from the first floor adjacent to the front door) as my template.

French Door Ext. Layer #2 of 4

Here is the interior layer of that frame traced onto the stairwell wall...

And with the stairs taped in place...

But how can I replicate the fancy, multi-layer and double arched interior and exterior frames? Technology - that's how! I'll even attempt to make them fancier! Details to follow in my next post.

Although it will probably take a very long time to accomplish this bucket list Willowcrest dollhouse, I am really going to enjoy it no matter how long it takes. I hope you'll come along on the journey, and I hope it inspires you to make a wish!

xo xo,



  1. Your new project is fantastic. I'm sure you will have a lot of fun designing, improving and customizing this kit. As usual, a masterpiece will come out of it. I will follow the progress with enthusiasm.

    1. Thanks Faby! It's going to be great to share this adventure with you! 💗

  2. Hey Jodi, it is always a great feeling to start something new. And when a dreaming house runs about the way, I would also catch it and start the work.
    The last years I often had a wish or a thought about something I will understand and a few times later it knocked at the door or came around the corner.
    In a special mind all things come together and wants to be true in reality. That is what I believe and I also thanks for this often.
    Happy hours with your project, Nina

    1. Thanks Nina! sometimes opportunities come disguised as a lot of work, but this kind of work is so rewarding! I'm so happy to have you here for this adventure!

  3. Madre mía!!! ¡Si es que transmites entusiasmo en cada frase!. Me alegro muchísimo que estés consiguiendo realizar tu deseo. Vas a disfrutar mucho y yo también siguiendo su desarrollo.

    1. Thanks Isabel! This dollhouse will be an excellent opportunity for me to practice so many things, patience being at the top of them!
      ¡Estoy tan contenta de que vengas a ver cómo este sueño se hace realidad!

  4. I'm very pleased for you Jodi, I feel your excitement at having found your Willowcrest. I had the same experience with my Lake View - not being able to afford a ready built one, and knowing I would never build a kit. Then I found a bargain ready build on Ebay. I'm excited for the joy you are going to get out of your journey with your lovely new house :-)

    1. Thanks Polly! Some of these dollhouses just find their way into our hearts forever. What a priviledge it is to get the opportunity to create our visions for them. I'm so glad you're here with me!

  5. The Willowcrest is a favorite of mine, too. I found one on Facebook Marketplace for $25 a couple years ago (I hope that all of the parts are in the box!) and it's still in my closet. I've never put a dollhouse together before and the whole process looks intimidating to me. I keep telling myself that I'll have time to work on it when I retire, but that excuse will run out eventually when I actually do. One thing that I'm not a fan of is the steps. I may leave them out.

    1. Oh great find! I am sure you'll have a lot of fun with your dream, and dollhouses are easy when you take each step one at a time. It's lovely that you have time to gather ideas and materials - by the time you retire you'll be ready! The steps were actually fun, and I'll share more detail about them in an upcoming post.

  6. Oooo!!! I LOVE the Willowcrest too! I bought one many years ago when a dollhouse shop closed down, and it was always going to be a Victorian with Brodnax wallpapers. Then it morphed into a villa in the south of France, probably also inspired by Elizabeth’s Villa Leone. But I still go back and forth between the ideas. It really is a lovely house and the layout is so fun. So looking forward to this build!!!!

    1. Hi Shannon! A Victorian with Brodnax wallpapers sounds beautiful, and a south of France setting would be amazing! Maybe you should get started on yours and we can do them together! 😁 In any case I am so glad you're here for the adventure and I hope you feel inspired to crack open your kit!

    2. Haha! The kit has been cracked open! But it’s not on the agenda for a while unfortunately. But I would love to pull it out and put it together, at least into dry fit.

    3. I don't want to encourage you to put more stress on your plate, but if you feel the urge to do something, it's usually an opportunity to ride the creative wave! Sometime closing our eyes and making the jump turns out to be the most rewarding thing we do! 🤪

  7. ¡Qué maravilla de casa! el destino te la tenía reservada, me encantará ver tus progresos , no dudo que serán fantásticos

    1. ¡Gracias Rosa María! ¡Realmente estoy disfrutando estar tan absorto en esto hasta ahora! Estar totalmente envuelto en un proyecto tiene que ser el lugar más feliz que uno puede estar, ¡y estoy aturdido de que la oportunidad se me presente!

  8. What a magnificent find! The Willowcrest certainly is meant to be and that you are already so far into the project. I absolutely love the idea of buying a paper pack to create a unified design. Why I never thought of that is beyond me! I wouldn't be in the mess that I'm in now trying to locate paper for the walls. Of course I will be following this amazing journey, for it is going to glorious!

    1. Thanks Ann! It has been so fun to become engrossed in, so far! I just love all of the papers you're putting into the Manchester and it seems like you had an excellent master plan all along! I do love the paper pack for setting the mood, and it's fun to choose which papers go into which room. I'm so glad you're here and I hope you enjoy the ride!

  9. Lucky you for picking up a Willowcrest kit, Jodi. It is one of my favorites too and if I was to build a kit house that would be it.
    When I first started mini-ing a few years ago, there were two Willowcrest kits for sale (cheap I know now) near me - new to this hobby, I thought it was too ambitious and didn't buy any of them - can you imagine how often I kick myself!
    It will be a delight to follow along and see what you do with yours.

    1. Thanks Anna! I know the regret of missing out on something all too well! But take heart, make a wish and one day the opportunity will fall into your lap, too! Until then, gather all your ideas and materials as though you already have the kit in your mitts! I think that's what "they" mean when they talk about a "Walk of faith". 😊 I'm so glad you're going to be here to help my dream come true!

  10. Oh Jodi!!! The only thing I can say (well, almost the only thing...!) is Yay! Hooray!!! The Willowcrest is such a beautiful House! The thought process you describe is Exactly the same as mine was when I allowed myself to open my kit box... bought in panic when I thought they had discontinued them and found they still had some stock... back in 2010 or so! I held off until 2014 and just Had to see "just how big" it might be.... (the box was a bit intimidating!) As you know... once the box is opened it is all a done deal! I know I am slow with my builds....*sigh*.... my Willowcrest still has some major "finishing" needed!
    I am so looking forward to following your journey with this wonderful kit! And I am so excited to see you launching into a "grand" house!!! I know you will love it! Yay! Hooray!!! :):)

    1. Thanks Betsy! It is such a beautiful house and I can't come close to expressing how excited and grateful I am to finally have it in my clutches! It's a good thing you got yours when you did because they are so rare and expensive now. And it's good you put yours together while the kit was still in good shape! You will get the inspiration to work on it again, one day, and it will be exactly the right time! I can't tell you how often I kick myself for letting that Amanda Skinner tea set fall through my fingers. Never again!!!
      I am so happy that you are here for another adventure with me! Your thoughtful and encouraging words always keep me going! This is a really grand house, and I just hope I'm up to the task! 💗

  11. That is a charming house; how lucky you were to find it. It is beautiful just as it is, but I’m excited to see what you do with all the opportunities for embellishments.

    1. Thanks Sherrill! Me too! There will be so many opportunities with this project to explore new ideas and styles! I'm glad you're coming along!

  12. "GOOD THINGS come to those who wait" and you HAVE waited,.. and waited ...and waited... and when the time was RIGHT there it was AND as specified. CONGRATULATIONS Jodi! your patience has been rewarded and it couldn't have happened to anyone more deserving😊
    I am VERY Excited to see your Willowcrest Dream come true here on your blog AND I also appreciate and Thank You for your SHOUT OUT to mine - Extremely Gracious😘
    One of the things I like to do is gather images on pinterest of each of the Greenleaf kits and see how each creator solved certain problems that I frequently would run into or how a space would look one way or another. It never ceases to Astound me how there's multiple solutions to one problem since each approach is to according to the dictates of the build.
    I have ALWAYS enjoyed seeing your problems solving skills in action and as you've already indicated with the stairs, your solutions will be totally in keeping with your own design approach! and having been Astonished at each of your Amazing design layouts and how you are a able to build functional rooms under stairs and inside closets, leads me to believe that THIS HOUSE will indeed be EXTRA SPECIAL top to bottom!
    I am STOKED to see the Laura Ashley style wallpapers you are choosing for it!
    Your mastery of wallpapers in the Beach House will have Plenty of Scope for your Imaginative treatments in the Willowcrest- What a BEAUTY I know she WILL BE! ❤️
    but try not to do it too fast Jodi, because WE your faithful followers want to savour each and every delectable moment to its fullest! 😊❤️

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Yes! God unquestionably parted the sea for everything to line up like it did for me to get the Willowcrest kit! And it feels even more exciting to work on a dream when you know you have the full support of the real Chief Architect! 😊 And how could I help but mention you when you are not only the source of so much of my inspiration, you are the reason I know that nothing is impossible and that I can do hard things! 💗💗💗 Your encouragement over the years has meant so, so much to me!!! 🤗🤗🤗

      Exactly! Your Pinterest board is so comprehensive and so essential! The smartest people get advice from every perspective, and having so many amazing sources to comb through advances our hobby by lightyears! I am so grateful for every Willowcrest builder who has ever shared their good, bad and ugly because it inspires ideas and saves us falling into a pit of despair when challenges do arise!

      I truly appreciate your confidence in my abilities, Elizabeth! One of the most exciting parts of starting a new project is getting to try out all the ideas I have for it. Not knowing how my plans will turn out can be stressful, but sharing the adventure with supportive friends keeps me going. I know what I'm trying to do is always just beyond my knowledge, skills and abilities, but I always learn so much on these journeys! Most of all, I am so grateful for the joy I get to experience while being totally engrossed in building! It is the closest thing to God's love that I can come to while I'm here. 😊💗

  13. Congratulations dear Jodi! What a lucky find, especially for you. I'm so happy to be able to see your new project and sure it will be no less interesting than the previous ones.

    1. Thanks Drora! Like so many of the blessings I have received in my life, it was nearly a miracle how it all worked out for me to get this kit! I hope that by sharing the process with my wonderful readers, it will help to inspire and encourage! Thank you so much for being part of this with me! Hugs!

  14. Está claro que esta casa ansiada por ti, tenía que cruzarse en tu camino de una manera u otra..y lo hizo de la mejor manera!!!!
    Que tenías otros planes? sí, pero la fuerza creativa a veces nos lleva por donde quiere (bueno casi siempre) y empezaste a montar una pared, pero tus neuronas trabajan muy deprisa, déjalas ellas te llevarán a buen puerto con la construcción de esa maravillosa casa!!!!


    1. ¡Gracias Pilar! ¡No he estado tan emocionado o inmerso en la construcción en mucho tiempo! ¡Es el lugar más alegre para estar, y sé que conoces exactamente este sentimiento!

  15. Y yo me habia perdido esta nueva adquisición??
    Que ilusión poder seguir otro de tus proyectos.
    Un saludo

    1. ¡Gracias por estar aquí, Mariana! ¡Tu aliento realmente me hace seguir adelante! ¡Espero que les guste hacia dónde nos dirigimos!

  16. Definition of being late: If there are two wonderful posts waiting for you to read and enjoy them you are for sure late!!! *LOL* Hot and humid weather kept me away from my computer but now I'm here to shout: YEAHHHHH... a new project!!! And a big one!!! YIPPPPIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

    And what I like the most about this new one is the fact that you wanted this special kit for so long. Well, some matches are made in Heaven and I think it was the best thing fate could decide to - giving this kit into your talented hands. The former owner can be totally relieved that you're taking care of it now.

    Your paper (aka concept) choice is very promising and I like the idea of adding a new, bigger window to that stair area. It's so fascinating what different people do with these kits and how they turn them into individual pieces just by their skills, personality and creativity. You've mentioned Elizabeth's Villa Leone which is an outstanding project, but I also think of Betsy's Hardwick Hall with its witchy, magical and mysterious touch with trees growing throught the floors and magical moon maidens climbing up the stairs. And now you'll be turning this kit into a ooak full of Jodi genius - I can't hardly wait to see your next steps. And lucky me - I just need to go to your next post... being late can have some advantages. *tweet*

    Big hugs - and I'm wishing you loads of fun with your dream house

    1. Hello my friend! Your thoughtful comments are never late and thoroughly appreciated anytime! I can empathize with hot and humid weather making you do nothing but cling to the fan and wait for it to be over! This is going to be a big project, and one that will teach me loads of patience which I am already finding out.

      I had all but given up on ever getting this kit, or any other kit until I had worked through my stack of the ones already waiting. It is so nice when benevolent forces have other special plans for us! I am so thrilled with this opportunity for creative exploration with this beautiful house - I only hope I have the necessary patience to do it justice, and that the updates I send to Mark and his sister help them feel the kit moved on to a better destiny!

      I'm glad you like the papers! I fell hard for them, and now that they are here to work with I am second guessing like I do with every project. I guess you just have to go with your first instinct and then let the chips fall where they may. I was a much later blog reader than when Betsy worked on Hardwick Hall, but have been able to read a few posts, so far. Her moon maidens are incredible and her ideas always so thrilling! I am afraid my creativity does not reach the magical level that Betsy's does, and I look forward to becoming really familiar with her progress as I find time!

      Speaking of finding time... Please never feel that you are "late" here, Birgit! Your visits are always a treat! Hugs!

  17. Love this house. The paper pack is pretty. I grew up when Laura Ashley was big and still like that look. I already for your journey. I am getting inspired again .

    1. Thanks Stephanie! I am so glad you like the papers and feel inspired! That's the joy of minis - so much inspiration to be found and so many ideas to explore! I am glad you are here with me as this project gets off the ground!


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