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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Feedburner Bummer

Hello Dear Feedburner Email Subscribers!

I am publishing this post especially for you because at one time you signed up to receive an email notification of new blog posts. This was via a sideline form on the blog located here: 

Feedburner is an RSS feed service managed by Google/Blogger but will no longer be supported after July 1st.

You can read more about this change here.

Because of this, until I find a better way, I will now manually send out an email with a link to each new blog post to those of you who signed up. If you would like to opt out, just reply to the email and let me know. I will remove you from the distribution list.

If you would like to use the Blogspot notification service to receive an email of new blog posts, you may do that by signing up as a blog follower here:

I will begin the manual process with the next blog post. I also want to assure each of you that I will never give or sell your email address to any other entity. Your privacy is important to me!

Thanks so much for your interest in my mini passion, and thanks so much for being a part of the mini adventures! Back soon with an update on the Beachside Bungalow!

xo xo,

P.S. Fellow blog publishers... If you are looking for alternatives and are going to send post emails manually until you get it all figured out, here is a good article about the different FREE email services:

Even after splitting my subscriber list into 5 groups, Gmail still said I exceeded my quota and that was for only one post! I am going to try MailChimp next. I'll update this post or make a new one as developments occur.


  1. I get so aggravated with them and then I remember my mother saying 'you get what you pay for'...

    And since I'm paying nothing...

    1. I know! I am really trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth, either, but it feels like every year at this time they take one more feature away with no real help on finding alternatives! With gmail, there are limits to the amount of email recipients you can have in one email, and a daily limit so that is yet another frustration in trying to keep subscribers notified. I fear that eventually just paying for our blogs through a better service is just going to have to happen.

  2. I have been wondering how this would work. So followers will still be notified. Good. Thank you for explaining the situation.

    1. I don't think so, Ann, unless the blog publishers find and are willing to employ a work around. I am finding that gmail is not the answer due to it's limitations so have yet to figure it all out.

  3. Espero que disfrutes del verano.
    Yo por mi parte veo tus actualizaciones por blogger y espero que este mecanismo no nos lo quiten,
    Un saludo

    1. ¡Gracias Marian! ¡Espero que disfrutes tu verano también!
      Sí, si realmente sigue el blog a través de Blogger, todavía no debería haber cambios. Aunque parece que Google está eliminando Blogger lentamente y dejará de admitirlo por completo algún día.

  4. Gracias por la explicación Jodi, de momento sigo viendo bien tus actualizaciones por blogger.

    1. ¡Gracias Pilar! Todavía estoy perplejo sobre por qué mi foto de vista previa y el contador de visitantes dejaron de funcionar, y este es solo un problema más para encontrar una solución. ¡Mi mayor temor es la pérdida de nuestra maravillosa comunidad!

  5. Being the technological dinosaur that I am this is not affectin me but it sounds very annoying so I feel sorry about your issues and the extra work. But I remember Megan has recently posted something about this topic but as I'm not using this issue I don't know if her post could be helpful to you. Anyhow, in case you haven't seen it so far here is the link, perhaps it can be helpful?!


    1. Thanks Birgit! I will look into Megan's suggestion!

  6. I am in the same place Jodi and have too many subscribers to email them all manually, so I suspect much time and frustration ahead as I try to divert them

    1. I have been using a free email service from You can use it free to email up to 2000 per day and up to 10,000 per week. I have had 3 unsubscribes and only about 5% of my list open the email. That's about 65 opens to the email every week, but it is pretty easy to create the email if you copy the email that Blogger sends after you post. Let me know, Marilyn, if you want more detailed info and I'll send it to you in an email. 💗
