As this week draws to an end so too does the exterior of Pound Cake! I'll pick up where we left off last week and take you through the process...
You'll remember that my intricate stencil idea didn't work out so well so plan B was to cut various "fondant" shapes with the Cricut. I used Kraft cardstock and then laminated two layers together to increase the thickness. I also made scalloped trim in the same way to add a little extra detail where the black transitioned into the white "cake" layer.
Here is the first side applied in a random pattern. The cardstock is very white and the paint is a warmer white so the detail is easy to pick up. Each section was painted in the warmer white later to leave a raised textured effect like fondant.
Plain white white cardstock. |
Painted with warm white. |
Once the "fondant" was done I could get the wiring sorted. I was able to lead all of the wiring for the lights (thus far) to one point of exit, creating a hub for the power strip. Any future additional lights will have to be carefully camouflaged and lead here. Luckily, I still have lots of space and a transformer large enough to handle many more bulbs!
This was an exciting moment! I finally got to see all of the lights lit together on the transformer instead of the 9 volt battery! I am super happy with the amount of light given off by these 16 fixtures and bulbs!
Now it was time to address the roof. Remember how I had modified the fit so that I could add and remove the roof as needed while I installed the second floor walls? Well, that left me with some unsightly gaps that I had to address. It seemed that the easiest and cleanest method was to add more of the scalloped cardstock.
![]() |
Gap |
Scalloped cardstock cut to fit and painted. |
Gaps gone and you barely notice the scallop edge. But if you do, it looks intentional. |
Switching to the porch entry floor... I painted coffee stirrer sticks and laid them in alternating black and white to create stripes.
And then I painted the roof's metallic finish on in several coats. It is
Jacquard Lumiere Metallic Acrylic Paint in Pewter. It looks like a lead roof so it's really neat! Also, I left this photo uncropped so that you could get a look at my background hoard. I am embarrassed to say that I have not done a deep reorganization of my bins and shelves since I finished the New Orleans last summer!!! I may take a short break before I start on the interior of the bakery just to hit the reset button.
Next in line was the front porch. I continued with the black storefront theme and added a couple small ceiling lights. The wire will have to be run to the back in some inconspicuous manner.
The dormer gingerbread has been added here, too. |
Gratuitous lighted shot... |
Opposite angle. |
And last, I want to take a moment to truly thank each of you for being here. Each of you who come by to share a little of this amazing and heart filling passion. And to those who have uplifting words and leave thoughtful comments that lift my heart and encourage me to reach for new challenges. And for those of you who don't have words or time or even a free hand to type them but send good thoughts instead. Thank You All So Much! For without you, the joy for me in this passion would be hollow. I am so happy and grateful to be part of this special community of fellow mini enthusiasts who inspire and encourage one another! Each of us adds our own unique flavor and we are so blessed to have connected with one another!
xo xo,
If I remember correctly, you have been planning this project for quite a while. I would have to say, all that time invested really paid off. Pound cake is charming, beautiful and fun. Plus, as usual, you are doing an amazing job. Thanks for taking us along on your journey. I’ll gladly stay around while you complete the interior.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that the miniature community is the best. So talented and supportive. Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Stay well.
Thank you Sherrill! You remember correctly. I had the rough idea for the Brimble's kit since 2002 but before I could buy it, it was discontinued. Luckily, they re-released the kit, and as a laser cut version. I began buying things to put into a drawer in 2014 and bought the kit in 2016. I am so glad that I planned for all that time so that I had time to source the materials and to spread the spending out over a long period of mini allowance money, lol! Now, I only hope to become a prolific learner as I attempt miniature baked goods and confections. Making mini foods is one thing I am woefully inexperienced at!
DeleteFelicidades por este maravilloso trabajo y poder disfrutarlo paso a paso , para mi es increíble verlo desde el inicio ; mi admiración por cada detalle que has hecho y lo bien planificado.Tu creatividad está en pleno rendimiento, así que aquí me tendrás para el interior y muchas gracias por mostrarlo. Buen fin de semana, cuídate.Besos:-)
ReplyDeleteGracias Rosa Maria! ¡Estoy muy feliz de tenerte aquí y por tus maravillosos comentarios que me animan tanto! Tendré que aprender muchas habilidades nuevas para hacer los productos horneados para las pantallas, por lo que espero mucha prueba y error. ¡Espero que también encuentres esa parte interesante! ¡Grandes abrazos!
DeletePoder disfrutar de una escena tan maravillosa es un placer y hacerlo paso a paso un privilegio.
ReplyDeleteESta quedando preciosa.
Un saludo
Gracias marian ¡Estoy muy feliz de saber que también te gustan las características exteriores y el proceso! ¡Mantenerse bien!
DeleteI love it! You have done an awesome job. And yes, I'm still jealous of you mad Cricut skills. LOL
Thanks Marilyn! I am so happy that you think so! 💗
DeleteI would mislead you if I called my use of the Cricut a "skill"! At this point, it is all trial and error with a little colorful language thrown in at times, lol!
Jodi, Ditto! I love, love the roof. I mentioned in a comment a while back that I had wish I had seen Pound Cake's roof before I shingled the Bellingham. Inspired by my brother's German style farmhouse in the Texas hill country, I wanted to put a metal roof on this house, but couldn't figure out how to do it. Now painted, Pound Cake's roof looks even more authentic. You also provide a great alternative to tap wire for electrical, certainly much more reliable and probably easier. Your encouraging and cheerful visits to our little worlds mean so much to us, too. And ditto Tarnished Rose.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ann! I am so happy that the bakery's roof has inspired you and I hope it saves you from at least one shingling job in the future! I'd be happy at any time to give you some direction or offer advice when you decide to take it on - just shoot me a private email or FB message. :O)
DeleteI can't say that I'd never use tape wire again, though certainly not with MDF, as this has been an epic failure for me in the past. I do find round wire a more reliable investment of time, and with a little pre-planning for how to conceal the wires, the best option for me.
I love so much getting to see the creativity of all of the bloggers who are brave and generous with their talents! If each of us just pays that encouragement forward a little, I think we can keep all the mini love going well into the future for new and old enthusiasts! 💗
I love how the shop AND the roof came out, the whole looks gorgeous, it's the crown on (as we say in Dutch if something is succeeded) your work, or to speak with you: the cherry on your cake ;O)!! I love(d) following the build of your shop step by step, Jodi, I can't wait to see more of the interior. I'm sure that it will be gorgeous too ;).
ReplyDeleteI agree with you (and Sherrill) that the miniature community is the best place to be, even more in this troubled time we live in now. There are so many talented, creative inspired and supportive people in there. I also thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments, Jodi.
Stay well, take care.
Have a nice weekend.
Hugs, Ilona
Thank you, Ilona! Your enthusiastic endorsement means so much, and I love the term "crown on"! Oh, if only I had your incredible skills with mini foods I'd be far more comfortable moving into the inside of the bakery! What if I really suck at it? Well then, I'll end up buying things from the very talented artisans like you! :O)
DeleteYou take care too and keep creating gorgeous things that inspire and delight us each time we visit you! Hugs! 💗
Jodi: Once again, you leave me breathless and astounded! Your talent is not only so entertaining to follow but, for me, so inspirational. Even though I am much older than you and have only been doing minis for 6 yeas, you give me hope that maybe I can eventually do work like this too. Thank you so much! Stay safe and healthy during these trying times. - Marilyn D., New Brunswick, Canada
ReplyDeleteOh Marilyn you're making me blush and giving me far too much credit!!! But thank you for the lovely encouragement! Your prolific collection of roomboxes and projects have been just wonderful to follow and so inspiring! Full of creativity, charm and originality! You have nothing to strive for - you are already there!!! 💗
DeleteDear Jodi, you have succeeded marvelously in your "cake" making for the siding on "Pound Cake" is yummy beyond description! Such a brilliant idea translated so beautifully into a cohesive design theme and executed with amazing diligence and flexibility produce a stunning result! WOW! The "fondant" layer is such a delicate choice but provides the perfect counterpoint to the intense black and white graphics below.... adding a cloud-like layer of peaceful frosting holding the roof as if on a froth of spun sugar dreams...! Yummmmmyyyy! As for the lighting effects, I agree completely that the lights look perfect! Not too harsh but glowing with a warmth that makes the shop so inviting! (I want cake!) :)
ReplyDeleteAnd the benefit to all of us is seeing your ingenuity with materials so clearly explained with a bumper crop of demonstrations and inspiration! Thank YOU for being here and sharing in this awesome mini community! I am with you... without this community... I would be lost! It's so much more fun to share our tiny worlds!!! :) Stay well, and keep making awesome minis! :):):)
Oh dear Betsy Thank You for your poetic and thoughtful words! Do your talents never end? Even language, from you, becomes art! 💗
DeleteI am so glad that you like the bakery's exterior features and I am so relieved that it is (almost) finished! A couple weeks ago, I was totally bereft of ideas!
I hope you're finding lots of sunlight and inspired moments to continue your magical world! I am excited to see Monday's post and discover where the creativity has carried you this week!
What an absolutely beautiful gorgeous creative piece of work! I have so enjoyed watching this come together and your methods. Thank you for sharing with us this beauty. It is inspiring. No pressure but am definately looking forward to the inside bits :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, JCH! It makes me so happy to know that you are enjoying the bakery with me! I have some fun ideas planned for the interior, and I hope they will turn out to be good ones, lol!
DeleteI must say that I truly look forward to your posts and they are always a bright spot in my day. The glow of the lights through the front windows is sublime. Pound cake is a place where I would love to visit in real life. It is a magical place full of sweetness and warmth. I can smell baked goods wafting through the windows. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Carrie! 💗 What a wonderful thing to say!
DeleteAbsolutely adorable!
ReplyDeleteThanks Robyn! 💗
DeleteDear Jodi, this is an incredible beautiful house. Very elegant. I love black and white design. Take care. Hugs, Melli
ReplyDeleteThanks Melli! I'm so happy that you like it! 💗
DeleteIt looks beautiful! I love how everything came out and the lights work! Wonderful feeling when lights work! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see what you do with the interior.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the positive feedback, Sheila! 💗 I really hope the interior comes out as fun as it is in my mind!
DeleteQuerida Jodi,realmente es un final feliz para el exterior de "POUND CAKE",yo diría que muy feliz,me encanta como ha quedado la fachada tan original y creativa,el tejado metalizado que nada envidia a los mejores tejados parisinos.El conjunto es soberbio,divino!!!
ReplyDeleteLas gracias te las doy a ti por no sólo enseñarnos todas tus creaciones con explicaciones concisas,detalladas y maravillosas,sino también,por todas las reflexiones de la vida que todas en algún momento compartimos y que nos hacen reflexionar sobre nuestras propias vivencias,eso se llama unión y personalmente me alegra el corazón!
Aquí estoy en espera de ver que nos depara el interior y con qué nos asombrarás!
Sigue cuidándote!
DeletePilar: ¡Muchas gracias por tus encantadores y alentadores comentarios! ¡Es muy especial para mí cuando un artista que admiro tanto también admira mis esfuerzos! ¡Estoy tan feliz de que te guste la forma en que resultó el exterior, y que los sentimientos que siento sobre nuestra comunidad sean compartidos por ti! ¡Quédate bien, amigo! 💗
The Pound Cake has become beautiful, very nice details such as the beautiful flower border, I am very curious about the decoration
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Gonda! I am so happy to know that you like the exterior finishes! I hope that in the coming weeks to be able to create an interior full of nostalgia and delight for the eyes! 💗
DeleteYour project is wonderful. Your skills are amazing and it is a pleasure to watch these pictures.
ReplyDeleteThe Pound Cake is a dramatic building because of the white and black colours. It is very beautiful already. But the interior will be certainly full of many lovely details. We`ll see the future steps soon.
Thank you Sirkka! That is so kind of you to say but I must give most of the credit to having access to a Cricut. In cutting foam core last night, I was woefully reminded of just how unskilled I am at making a straight line!
Delete¡Creo que es simplemente perfecto!. Me encanta como queda el tejado y el porche es impresionante- Has combinado el blanco, el negro y las distintas formas geométricas de manera impecable.Buen trabajo también con el rótulo. Estoy segura que también nos dejarás con la boca abierta viendo el interior.
ReplyDeleteAwww - ¡Gracias Isabel! ¡Significa tanto para mí que te gusta y te agradezco profundamente tus comentarios alentadores! ¡Espero que una vez que comience en el interior no te decepcione! 💗
DeleteMagnificent finish, Jodi! I can't tell you enough how much I admire your work. It gives me pleasure to see how you upgrade all the dollhouses you work on. The house looks stunning with all the lights on. I'll be more than happy to see more of this project when you decorate it inside.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Drora
Thank you dear Drora! Your kind and uplifting words mean so very much to me and it makes me so happy to know that you approve of my improvements! 💗
DeleteLooking fantastic Jodi. It feels like this build has gone really fast. And so great that all your lights worked and look amazing. Well done! These successes make moving on to more tasks so much easier.
ReplyDeleteThanks Shannon! It does seem like this kit is a pretty fast build, but then when you think about it, there are really only two floors and two large rooms to contend with! I fear that when I am called upon to start making all the baked goods and work with the polymer and food making stuff, it may take me years to finish!!! 💗
DeleteA VERY happy ending. Jodi, your idea of a layer cake facade is so original and creative and your execution is SPOT ON! It really does look like a cake. I admire that you never give up, and if something does not work you persevere until you find the right solution. And in this occasion you did it again, I love that facade, and I love your shop, the ambience is great. I would be the most loyal customer, no doubt.
ReplyDeleteThanks Alex! I am so happy that you like the exterior and that my cake idea has translated across to your eyes! I am so glad that I didn't have my heart set on the stencil plan, and that I had back up ideas to turn to! That isn't always the case and at times it takes so long to come up with an alternate solution. Now I hope I can make some decent baked goods so that I won't lose your business to the bakery across town! 💗
DeleteWell Jodi what a triumph. You sort of began with a three tier cake as inspiration and ended up with something equally delicious. As always I remain awed by your imagination and perseverance to reach your goal - and what beautiful goals they always are. This will sit happily in your pantheon of perfection creations. Brava.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Marilyn! I am so glad that you like how the cake idea turned out! I have created a good deal of mini projects and will have to muster some ingenuity to come up with a good way to display them! Right now, it is an unsatisfactory situation! Russ is not bothered yet, but I am sure he does have a limit!
DeleteWOW! Pound cake is simply stunning! I love everything and the the finishes are perfect and original.
ReplyDeleteThank you Faby! I am so glad that you like the way the exterior has turned out! 💗
DeleteWOW Jodi, it's absolutely beautiful. I love the colours, the interior and all the lovely details.
ReplyDeleteThanks Polly! I am so happy to hear that you like where this bakery is leading me! 💗
Delete(The above was due to a spelling mistake!)
ReplyDeleteThis is my most favorite dollhouse ever! It's amazing.
And yay to background hoard shots!!!
Ha Ha! If not for spell check I'd shame myself all of the time, too! I still don't catch everything and so I promise I'd never hold spelling errors against ya!
DeleteThank you so much, Janice, for the glowing endorsement for Pound Cake!!! I am so happy that you like how all the decisions have come together.You never know when you start if it will be good or ghastly!
I really have to do something about my mess before long. I just need to find my motivation somewhere!
Un trabajo excepcional y brillante.
ReplyDeleteEstoy deseando ver el interior, que nos volverá a dejar maravillados.
Gracias Eloisa! ¡Su confianza en mí para el interior es muy apreciada! ¡Tengo un poco de miedo de lo que tengo que aprender para hacer productos horneados decentes! ¡Me esforzaré para hacerlo lentamente!
DeleteYour "Pound Cake" is so very impressive. It's a lovely little building and I'm really looking forward to your start on the interior.
ReplyDeleteThanks Irene! I am both excited and a little bit intimidated by the interior and all of my big ideas, lol! But I'll just eat the elephant one bite at a time. :O)
DeleteOh Jodi, the "Pound Cake" is absolutely awesome! The combination between black and white colours is elegant and brilliant, and the lamps looks perfect. I can`t help falling in love with your beautiful work, congratulations! Hugs.
ReplyDeleteThanks Paky! I am so happy that you like the bakery and that you are here to enjoy it with me! Hugs! 💗
DeleteOh Jodi! How divine! You have been busy creating a dreamy cake shop . . . I adore it! It makes me feel very happy! I especially love the shot of the porch which looks amazing. I think you've brought the black and white theme to a whole new level! Well done!
ReplyDeleteI'm off to enjoy more of your blog with a hot cup of tea. Take care!
Thanks Teresa! It makes me so happy that you like the cake shop and how it has progressed! I have been dreaming of this project for a long, long time now. It is wonderful for me to see it happening, but an even better feeling to share the joy!
DeleteOkay, wrap it up, pack it in a big box and send it over... eh... ooops... sorry, my greed took over for a tiny moment... ehem... what I intended to say was: What a wonderful post! *LOL* My, I'm VERY (and I mean very very VERY) late this time to drop by and enjoy your newest progress - and reading and enjoying even two posts from you and seeing what you've achieved made me realize I'm really working at snail speed.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how well you've solved the fondant "problem", the facade looks awesome. I wonder if there ever was a facade more stylish than this one? And the entrance with the porch blew me away - it's great to see everything coming together... and what difference for example a bit of gingerbread trim on the dormers make. And let's not forget the supposed-to-be-intentional gap covers! ;O)
And now I need to thank you for your very lovely words at the end of this post - but even more I want to thank YOU for being here. It's people like you who make this place so very special!
Birgit (who now has the big pleasure to hop over to the next wonderful post of yours)
Oh Thank You dear Birgit! Just knowing that this bakery would be welcomed among your amazing collection of delightful mini wonders makes me So Happy! And looking around at my place and wondering where this increasing number of "good ideas" are going to really live makes me think sending it to Germany might be just the perfect solution, lol!
DeleteAs for late... It's not your fault. I think God has a funny sense of humor and some very advanced math skills. He's made it so that when you give love you get so much more in return and when given a lot more time it feels like you have even less?!? My days, too, are flying by and I can't make any sense of it!
My words at the end are so heartfelt and not as succinct and elegant as I feel them but they are certainly pointed at YOU! 💗💗💗