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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Just Enough Time For...

Making stools for Alki Point!

Inspiration photo on the left, 3D rendering photos in strip on right.

I've ordered two ($13.90 ea. minus the 20% coupon this week). I'll let you know how they turn out, probably get them the second week in December!

Also, just a few words. Book holder words that is...

Now back to work! No, I promise! I'm working, I'm working!


  1. The more I see the more impressed I am. Please keep going!

    1. With encouragement like this how can I stop!?! My mind keeps tinkering while I am busy with "have to's". I'd like to check out some of the other free rendering software out there, and see if I can get the hang of them, too. Apparently, some of them will turn an actual photo into 3D so that you are halfway there! Exciting!


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