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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Change Of Scenery...

Somehow, when I really decide to thoroughly clean something, I really make a big mess!

Moving an office is no small task, and that's especially true when you haven't pulled things out from the wall in nearly 5 years!!! There were actual colonies of dust mites! Yikes! Thanks to my good old vacuum, the old office space is ready to be filled now with some other kind of stuff. That happens pretty quickly around here. We are not what you might consider hoarders, rather, we see the potential in lots of things...

But whew! After a lot of sorting, cleaning, tossing shredding and heavy lifting, my old office furniture is safely (mostly) down in the living room. I connected the computer and managed not to screw up the wifi for everyone. The sound system works, and my printer has power (have not tested it yet). So all in all I'd say it was a very productive day!

The hubbs, (have I mentioned he's wonderful!) is bringing home yakisoba, and after I refuel on that I'll start to tackle the gigantic mess I have made "cleaning".

Then hopefully, maybe, I can get back to the important stuff - the next miniature project! Russ & Jodi's Retirement Home! In any event, it will be nice to have a little change of scenery...

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