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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Playing Dress Up

You'd think that a person who was soooo excited to begin working on the interior of her cottage would have a plan and know exactly what to start with. Um, no, I'm embarrassed to say... Traveling to AZ to visit my folks was wonderful, but all that sunshine in November kind of threw me off track!

So while I contemplate where to begin, I thought I might audition some chairs for the dining room. That meant making up some chair kits. And while I was at it, why not play a little bit, too? I decided to make six of the same HOM chairs but in several different styles, then accessorize them just for fun.

The two dark pink ones on the end are slated for the cottage's dining room, but need some work. White wax? Inked edges? Not sure yet so to be decided...

Of course each chair needs a pot of flowers to compliment it's style...

And some journals with a tassel bookmark...

And of course a cup of tea with tea bag, saucer, spoon and cookie...

My fingers are just 12 times too large for making these tea bags an easy task!

And a basket...

With a box of tea...

After making 42 of these tea bags, I developed a knack.

Raw Honey...

And tea towels...

And bird houses just for fun...

They need a little more character, just like these...

And here is each little chair, one in each style, almost finished...

I still don't know what I'm going to start with on the cottage interior, but I sure had fun playing dress up!

I hope in the midst of all the holiday hoopla, you're finding time to play, too! It truly is food for the soul!

xo xo,

I was honored to be asked to have the Sweet Christmas Cottage included in the December issue of Dollshouse & Miniatures Scene. The editor, Carl, made me take a photo of myself to include with the article, a thing only slightly worse to me than a root canal. So if you're curious, I'm on pages 28-29. Who's that middle aged woman? Ah jeeze! Is that really me?!? :/ Yep. My 50th birthday happens in December, so maybe "middle aged" is a little too generous. Unless I plan on living past 100. Which I do, because that's how long it will take to complete all the miniature projects I have dreamed. ;o)

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Growing A Cottage Garden Part 9

The title of this post should include the words "Cloud 9", because I think I am finally finished with the Storybook Cottage's Garden! Oh, I may add a bell here and a teacup there, but all of the major elements I wanted to include are done!

Due to my wonderful "play day" with Sam's art gallery, and the fact that we'll be flying out to spend Thanksgiving with my parents in AZ, I did not take any "in progress" photos, but I'll do my best to explain the "after" photos as I go. First, a photo of the sides and back...

I don't think I posted a photo with the back window box planted and installed. It is removable so that I can get to the interior without crushing the geraniums!

The gutters and downspouts have also been added...

On the Potting bench side of the cottage, I added a shelf with watering cans above the garden sink.

I also made additional flowers, took some of the leftovers, and made many more pots for the front step.

The front gate is decorated with Keli's favorite wreath.

My attempt at making tiny bees for the bee skep only resulted in my fingers becoming yellow, black and having wire stuck to them. I wanted to get these amazing bees on Etsy, but $12 each was a little more than my budget could justify. I settled for nail charms at 10 for $3. This way, I had enough to place a few on flowers, too. The birds got teacup feeders. They're not Barbara Meyer birds, because I forgot all about her wonderful birds until Keli reminded Sheila about them for her dovecote pigeons last week. Maybe I'll replace the Falcon birds with Barbara's in time.

I had a black wire hanging basket that I picked up at Aunty Em's in AZ. I painted it with copper leafing pen, lined the bottom with reindeer moss, squeezed in a Squeeze Me bush then planted some clematis flowers and leaves into it.

I had a little cottage kit from Michelle's Miniatures that was intended to make a purse. I think it makes a great mailbox! I added a knob instead of a handle, added a little working flag on the side, then used stucco and copper roof to simulate the cottage. I mounted it on a base to give it some detail. I just love to add cute little details like this to my miniatures. It makes me feel like a kid again!

Of course I had to plant the flowers on the inside fence planters before I could get them installed on the landscape base. I used up a good deal of the flowers I had left, I used purple coneflower, cosmos, daylilies and ground cover. I hope you're not allergic to bee stings!

With the inside planters finished, I was able to attach all three fence sections, then plant the exteriors. I ran out of flowers and had to stop and make more!!! Zinnias, marigold and more daisies. My flower kit supplies are now pathetic! :/ All I have left are red flowers! I did not want any red in this garden. Red does not like to share the limelight!

I kept a count of the number of flower stems I made, and it's a little insane. Hey - my blog is all about my miniature madness, so I do give you fair warning!

55 Coneflower
59 Aster
26 Black Eyed Susan
27 Ageratum
18 Dandelion
51 Geranium (plus 140 leaf stems)
16 Daylily
24 Dahlia
41 Daisies
15 Chamomile
9 Lemon Balm
9 Spearmint
9 Peppermint
10 Bee Balm
12 Lavender
12 Rugosa Roses
7 St. John's Wart
34 Cosmos
72 Roses
12 Mums
144 Camellias
18 Zinnias
9 Tulips
18 Marigold
24 Clematis

Grand total? 734!!!

After the exterior fences were finished, I affixed the rose arbor. My grapevine tree trunks did not want to play nice and get into their pots without lifting the arbor up off the ground. So, to solve this problem, I cut them off just above the height of the pots and made rose tree trunks out of air dry clay. They looked okay, and I could have done a much better job it I wasn't having to work over the top of the fence and around the back of the arbor. But as usual, problems are really just opportunities in disguise, so I had a little fun with camouflage.

Using a couple teapots that were just too large for 1/12th scale, I covered them in glue, then in fine ground cover to made topiary out of them. I glued them to the top of some more grapevine and added another Squeeze Me bush below. Now the rose tree will share a pot with the teapot topiary!

There was just enough room left to squeeze in a chair and a couple more pots, and still be able to walk down the path..

And so, my friends, the Olympic flower making saga has come to the end! Now I think I'll sit in the garden, smell the fragrant air, and nap for a while...

I thank you all so much for your encouragement as we moved through this epic journey together! For without you, your comments, suggestions and friendship, the cottage would have sat upon an empty lot!

xo xo,

P.S. You know what this means, don't you? We get to move onto the inside!!! Yippee!!!