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Showing posts with label miniature shops. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Guest Post With Love

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, Amanda Austin, the founder of Little Shop of Miniatures, wanted to shed a little love (and a coupon!) on all things small in this guest post. 

Here’s her list of 14 reasons to love minis just in time for February 14!

14 Things to Love About Miniatures
By: Amanda Austin

  1. They let you dream. They say if you can dream it, you can do it. And that is certainly true when it comes to miniatures. Whether you’re pining to create a cozy cottage scene or a sleek, modern miniature kitchen, go for it! Your only limit is your imagination. 
  2. They let you be creative. Speaking of imagination, you probably use a lot of it when it comes to miniatures. Everything from the scale you use to the colors you choose to the way you arrange a scene lets you flex your creative muscles in countless ways.
  3. They put you in control. With so much in our lives out of our control, it’s comforting to have total domain over a small, magical world.
  4. They’re great conversational topics. Tell people you make or collect miniatures, and you’re sure to get lots of questions about your super cool hobby. 
  5. They’re an awesome collector’s hobby. Coins, stamps, souvenir shot glasses—we all know someone who collects these. But miniatures? Now that puts you in a rare and special class of collectors.
  6. They’re cooler than ever. If you’ve been creating and collecting miniatures for years, congrats—you were officially ahead of the curve! The growing interest in miniatures has captured the attention of major publications like The New York Times.
  7. They’re a productive use of time. We all need time to decompress. And indulging a miniatures hobby is a way better use of leisure time than watching back-to-back episodes of reality TV shows. (That said, I do love a good binge watching session once in a while—current favorite is “Say Yes to the Dress!”)
  8. They’re just so darn cute. Tiny things are just adorable. Period.
  9. They keep you sharp. Your brain is sure to get a workout when you’re assembling a dollhouse kit, making a mini piece of furniture, or arranging a mini room just so. 
  10. They’re the perfect escape. We all need a pick me up after a rough day. Escaping into a miniatures world can give you just the distraction you need to emerge refreshed and refocused. 
  11. They let you slow down. We live in a fast-paced world where the ping of our phones is never far away. Spending time with miniatures gives you a needed respite from the world and its endless demands.
  12. They connect you with other miniature lovers. Other miniature lovers are the best, right? And they’re easy to meet at miniatures shows, miniatures museums, or by reading their miniatures blogs or following miniature lovers’ accounts on social media.
  13. They transport you to a different time and place. Maybe you have a thing for the Victorian era. Or maybe you always dreamed of decorating your own mansion but have yet to win the lottery. That’s no problem at all when you’re into miniatures, because you can literally recreate any time and place your heart desires in small scale.
  14. They’re always new possibilities. Sometimes it can be bittersweet to finish a project. But isn’t it great to know there are endless possibilities for your next one?
Why do you <3 miniatures? Let us know in the comments below!

Little Shop of Miniatures is an online store specializing in wooden dollhouse kitsroom boxesdollhouse building supplies, and dollhouse miniatures. In honor of Valentine’s Day, they invite you to take 15% off your entire order before taxes and shipping. Simply enter MINILOVE at checkout from now until 11:59PM February 14 to receive your discount!