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Friday, January 26, 2018

In Sink

I've had some inspirational a-ha moments and quite a few where I stared off into space wondering (or dreading) what the next steps would be. Having more than one thing going at a time and keeping track of what's left is really giving my brain an exercise! To look back and summarize though, it would be fair to say I've really enjoyed the exploration.

I did some more manipulating of the basic barewood sinks just to create something unique and interesting. I added some parts, removed some parts and just let the imagination loose.


I had an idea a while back about using cup hooks and earring backs to make faucets. I played around a little, and I am satisfied with the outcome (though there is always room for improvement).

I bought these cup hooks and these earring backs. They each come with lots of variety so that future options can be explored. For these faucets, I used the bell shaped clear silicone back. I drilled the hole a little larger so the cup holder shaft would slide in but still fit snugly. Then I slid the earring back on and painted with Krylon Short Cuts metallic paint pen. I definitely could have achieved better results with spray paint, but with the current cold and humidity, I wanted a simpler option. Just playing with the pieces made me think of Candle Snuffers and 1/4" scale non working sconces, too!

To make the taps/spigots, I used the metal bell shaped earring backs for the bases, adding a spacer bead for the tap and jewelry pins to cover the hole and hold it all together. Added bonus: the taps actually turn!

The brilliantly creative Fran Casselman was very kind and sent me an excellent faucet idea and How To. She also generously gave me permission to share it with everyone! Thanks Fran! This is definitely a "try someday" project, and it just so happens I need new socks!

It was easy to drill a hole and add an eyelet for the drain in the bucket sinks, but some of the other sink vessels I want to use are bisque, porcelain and glass. I am going to need research and practice before I try to drill through these materials, so I needed a simple alternative that let the work continue NOW. Many sinks have the plunge type plugs covering the drains, so that is what I decided to employ. I used the Tim Holtz round metal fasteners in my stash. To make them sit a tiny bit proud of the surface, I slipped a plain cylinder silicone earring back over the tabs, then cut down to size with wire snips. This allowed for more gluing surface and provides a steady base..

I played with many different styles and finishes to test the accumulation of "have to try that someday" supplies in my stash. It was fun to just go with an idea and not worry about the outcome in relation to how things would look in a particular build. I really enjoyed that!  I was thinking fun and funky B&B when I came up with the names and the themes.

The Mermaid

The Hacienda

The Old West Hotel

The Blue Bayou

The Shabby Camellia

The Boone River

Each one is going to get it's own specialized accessories: baskets for shelves, candle, soap dispenser and vase of flowers, hand towels, linens and special mirror. With so many still left to do, I am going to have to decide whether to commit to this idea or finish the other 20+ when next inspired. The joy of minis is that you can choose whatever strikes you! Whenever it strikes you!

Marion - here they are in the sink shop. With so many more sinks to do, I am going to have to expand the building! ;O)

I am so looking forward to whatever is striking your fancy, and I can't wait for all the inspiration I know it will bring to me!

xo xo,


  1. HI Jodi, beautiful sinks! I think The Mermaid is lovely. Now I want to go and buy stock so I can have handles that turn. You did a wonderful job on each one.

    1. Thanks Shelley! There are so many great findings and beads out there I bet you find something awesome! Knowing what you're looking for is half the battle!

  2. Your sinks/basins are stunning! I'm going to have to think up some more themes for you.
    What would a wizard want at his washing up station? And the modern mom? An artist and painter? A beauty spa?
    Can't wait to see the next ones. Unless you get distracted by some other project of course...

    1. I love it Megan! Keep the ideas coming! Might have to make themed vignettes for each one!
      All my projects and all my ideas are constantly competing for my time. I have real commitment issues!

  3. "Well Sink Me! "I Adore your Mermaid sink Jodi and the hardware you made for the faucet and the taps is Brilliant!! Love Fran's sock hanger conversion too!
    I do believe that you are having quite a bit of fun with this series and now that the construction part is done ( for now), dressing them up is going to be EVEN MORE Rewarding- Can't Wait! :D


    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I am going to completely unplug from minis for a couple days and let my mind reboot. Then I'll decide if it's back to getting more sinks transformed, or time to make the accessories for the ones I've got. The assembly line method seems appealing today, but lord help me I'm a moody girl!

  4. jodi, wow! and thanks for that tuto from fran - maybe this is the answer to making taps without the chroming problems.. I will certainly give it a try!

    1. That's awesome Marion - I love your experiments! Let us know what you discover!

  5. Wonderful sinks so many amazing ideas. I have got to try some. Thanks for the great tutorials.
    Hugs Maria

    1. Thanks Maria! I hope you do try them - they are a great learning experience in terms of style, size, materials and finishes. Not having to produce them for a specific build takes the "fail" pressure off and you can just have fun.

  6. I love that you named them all! So many creative ideas! I love your faucets and handles - they look great! And I can't believe that pen did the trick. I love "less mess" ideas.

    1. Thanks Penelope! They were a really great place to start and experiment on without the worry of ruining anything, The pens work great on the unfinished metal stuff, too - doesn't take too long to figure out how to coat without adding too much because the paint flows nicely and gives a bit of working time to move it around.

  7. Stunning pieces! I love them all, especially the Mermaid which took my breath away. Thanks for sharing Fran's tutorial.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thanks Drora! I am glad you like the mermaid vanity! I am hoping to add more nautical detail with the accessories, we shall see how it goes!

  8. ¡Todos fantásticos! genial que estés tan inspirado pues merece la pena, ha sido un placer disfrutar de ellos.Feliz fin de semana.Besos:-)

    1. Gracias Rosa-Maria! ¡Es bueno tener una dirección para entrar y luego solo dejarte llevar! A menudo me encuentro siendo demasiado crítico y me tomo la verdadera diversión de las cosas. ¡Estas vanidades son una forma de expresión agradable y liberadora!

  9. Hi Jodi, all of them turned out beautiful, but I especially like the boone river! So many great ideas, thank you for the tutorial. I bet they will look even more gorgeous with all the accessories once done!

    1. Thanks Susi! I am glad you found one that made you especially happy! It's interesting which ones sing to us! You are most welcome for the tuts - if we all share what we learn we can all reach the highest heights so much quicker!

  10. Well, busy busy busy! I love all of these but Boone River and Old West are my favourites! I need to commission you to build a sink for the tenant's bathroom. :D

    1. Thanks Sam! I think the Old West and Boon River are my faves too because I am just a sucker for old things. I also love a challenge, so send me some photos of what you have in mind for the bathroom sink and I'll trade ya for one of your incredible paintings!

    2. Well you don't have to make me a sink to get a painting if you want one dear Jodi. :D I'll PM you over at Greenleaf with some links to channels you can choose a painting from. :) I'm leaving for Utah Tuesday your time so probably wont get to paint it until I get back in late Feb. but if you are willing to wait, I'll happily pop it in the mail then. :)

    3. Got your PM, replying now... :O)

  11. ¡Has hecho un trabajo estupendo! Me encantan todos los modelos

    1. Gracias Isabel! Hay tantos estilos que me gustaría probar, y de alguna manera cuando comienzo con un estilo siempre termino con otro. ¡Es una aventura segura!

  12. So pretty! I can't pick a favorite they're all so unique!

    1. Thanks Sheila! Maybe once they have all their accessories a clear winner will grow on you. Or maybe none of these styles will do, and I'll have to persuade your heart with something completely different. In any case I hope that something from my experiments will inspire you!

  13. Hi Jodi! You are on a "Wave" ... don't stop now! LOL! I Love your themes, I love the names... I LOVE the taps that turn!!! I'm gonna steal that one! You are so wonderfully creative... please keep staring off into space and channeling in those dishy ideas!!! And thank you for sharing those ideas so generously!!! :)

    1. Thanks Betsy! These were the "easy ones", so I've just got to build up my bravery for the next group. Hopefully, those "space out" sessions will lead to breakthroughs I can share with you! I am glad you like the tap idea, and you're not stealing because I gladly share and await you taking it to a new level of artistry as you do with everything!

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks Noelle! I had a fun time playing and choosing the elements for different styles. If I can remember how I did the things I liked, I can build on them!

  15. Todos han quedado muy bonitos, pero el blanco me fascina.
    Un abrazo

    1. Gracias Marian! ¡Me gusta especialmente el blanco alto también!

  16. I love them all!! Ok, if I had to pick a favourite one, it would be between the Mermaid and the Old West Hotel perhaps? What a wonderful project Jodi, I have enjoyed it along with you, well maybe not that much *smile* nothing can compare the fun of making it, right?. I must say that I have also pick a few tips and ideas that I might use later. Thank you!

    1. Thanks Alex! Yes! There's nothing as much fun as making when you are a compelled maker, and you are! I am glad my experience was useful to you in some way, because that makes the sharing part so rewarding!

  17. Hello Jodi,
    You have been busy. I would hire you to come do the plumbing at the manor anytime ;) You did a fantastic job on the sinks and the faucets are just amazing. they look perfect. I especially love the Old west and the mermaid...but all of them are fantastic.
    Big hug

    1. A travelling mini plumbing job? Sounds like a dream, especially the part where I'd get to see the manor and meet you in person!
      These were a great starting point to get my feet wet, and now I hope I can build on it. I have many visions and ideas but no real road map on how to get there. It's all going to be experimentation, so the true goal is really just to have fun and hopefully, learn some things!

  18. This is fantastic! When I saw the sinks on instagram I didn't realize they were for your shop. They look so so good all together! I really love the one with the mirror above. And the faucet/taps look great! Love that they spin :)

    1. Thanks Kristine! They aren't meant to be permanently displayed in the shop structure. That is really just a photo booth. Marion commented I'd need a ton of mini houses to use all those sinks in, so I joked that I could cheat and just put them all in one sink shop. Minis that really work are extra delightful, aren't they!

  19. Who knew that sock hangers could be used in miniatures, certainly not me..LOL
    Someday I hope I will have a "mini mind" when I look at bits and pieces.

    1. Hi Di! Yes indeed! It is so wonderful to have the wealth of creative input from this mini community to help us see things we don't! And I have found that one good idea sparks several others. Keep looking and I bet you uncover a gem, too!


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