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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Shapeways Store Now Open!!!

As some of you know, for several weeks I'v been busy learning about and iterating 1:12 scale items for 3D printing through Shapeways. I started out designing each piece for my Alki Point project. I thought it would be so much fun to decorate with stuff I actually made. I quickly got carried away! It is amazing that we now have the technology to create a piece on a computer, then actually see that idea come to life!

So far, my print tested inventory includes many lighting and plumbing fixtures, furniture, and decor accents. Before I made my items available to everyone, I wanted to make certain that they were:

1. Printable with no issues.
2. Looked in person the way I envisioned.
3. Were perfect 1:12 scale.
4. Functioned the way I intended.
5. Were used in an actual project where I could take "in Action" photos. I am still working on that!

This took a good deal of time and financial investment, but was well worth it! I feel confident in my designs, and have made them available in my Shapeways store. In the iteration process, I keep certain principals in practice so that my pieces are affordable. This means in the rendering photos you may see items stacked on top of one another. Saving printer space means the item costs less money. For items with many small parts, like my brunch set, Shapeways prints them inside of a material sack (sintershell) so that no pieces are lost. I have many more items in production or just waiting to be print tested, so check back often to see the new designs.

If you see an item that says First To Try, that indicates that it has not been successfully printed yet. Not to worry! There are a series of checks that have to happen even before an item is allowed to be available for sale. Once an item has met that criteria, it can be placed in my store. Once an item is ordered, it goes through another series of printability checks. If it does not pass, you are given a refund. Fortunately, none of my items has failed! Everything I have ordered has come in ready for me to paint, finish or just display!

I'd love to hear your constructive (please) feedback and suggestions for product improvements. If there is a need for an item that I have not filled yet, please tell me about it! I love a challenge! It would be so wonderful to see photos of how you used these pieces in your project. We are such a creative community, and everyone's ideas just tickle me!

A ~G-I-A-N-T-I-C~ ~T-H-A-N-K~ ~Y-O-U!!!~ to Alice for being my first customer! I am just so grateful that you believed in me! :0)

Thanks for stopping in!

My Miniature Madness Shapeways Store


  1. I love the bookshelves, and the bedside table is awesome! I'm concentrating on 1/6 at the moment but I've bookmarked for when 1/12 takes over my time again :)

    1. Thank you, Jessica! It is so nice of you to reach out with a complement!
      1/6th must be a lot of fun! I bet it is a lot easier on the eyes, too! The dolls they make now are just so adorable. Maybe someday my kids will finally give me grandkids to buy Barbies for!
      Thanks again for your comments, and good luck with your projects!

  2. Yay! So pleased you opened a shop. MORE!! =0)

    1. Thank you, Pepper! Has anyone told you lately that you are just the most supportive, positive and wonderful person? You are all of those and more, and my heart smiles every time I see your posts to folks in our mini community! <3

  3. Holy-moly! Your designs are amazing! I will definitely be placing a bunch on my wish lists. Can't wait to see some 'action shots'! :D

    1. You're very kind to say so, Kristine! It would be such an honor if ever any of my pieces were included in one of your amazing scenes!


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