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Friday, November 27, 2015

Not The Only One...

Apparently, I am not the only one longing to get back to my minis...
I hope this day starts going by faster. As soon as I am done with work, I'll finally be able to play! Rusty wants me to stop working, too!


  1. Great picture! I also want to see more of that dollhouse!

  2. Thank you, Penelope! I love looking at your blog photos, as well! The Malibu house is just stunning!
    The house that Rusty is staring at in the photo is Encounters Gifts and Grub. There's a link to the project page above. Sadly, my photos are not very good, and I did not keep a chronicle as I built it. I had a lot of fun with it, though, and I still love to stop and stare at it like my little grandpuppy!


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