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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Finishing Up The Hardscape

The next little segment to complete on the barn was to finish off the entrance/stairway/living room area. My goal is to complete all of the "hardscape" tasks so that I can get to the most exciting part - the decorating!

I took several of my tongue depressor type craft sticks and taped them together at the ends and in the middle. Then I used my saw to cut off the curved ends, and then cut them in half.

I stained them all and let them dry for several hours. Then I cut pieces of cardstock to the length and height of the walls they were going on. I then glued the strips to the cardstock and sandwiched them between two boards. I clamped and weighted them until the glue was dry. This was a much more efficient method than gluing them piece by piece and trying to keep them from warping.

I glued in the baseboard molding, then glued the cardstock strips just above them. I then added the trim board above that. I clamped again and let them dry several hours.

While the glue was drying, I set to work trimming out the rest of the room with baseboard, window trim, door trim, and even decided to make a doggie door for Georgia, my beloved beagle who likes to constantly go in and out between naps.

After everything was installed and dry I placed a bit of wood filler into gaps in the trim. When I do my final touch up in the room before the furnishings go in I'll touch up the stain and add more detailed finishing. I'll also address the access deck to the front door and add the adorable factor to that area, as well.

I'm glad to have this part of the work finished up, but am really needing a creative project in the meantime to keep my excitement going. I think the next project will be turning an old ebay bed into a log bed for little Russ and I to dream in. Check back soon for details!

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