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Monday, December 7, 2015

My 100th Post!

You know how you can be in a room with 100 people and still be lonely? If none of those 100 people love miniatures, it can be the loneliest place on Earth...

That is the main reason why, last spring, I began this blog and started to devour every other miniature blog I could find. I realized very quickly what an incredibly kind, sharing, supportive and unbelievably ingenious community you are! I found my people, and all of you are the same brand of crazy as me! Yippee!!!

No one in the mini community has ever made me feel like the new weird girl. In fact, any contact and comments left have been so very, very kind! It has been incredible, and I really feel the welcome. Thank you all so, so much!

To celebrate this milestone, I'd like to give back! These are the crazy holidays, so I'll leave the drawing open until New Year's Eve. Just leave a comment on this post, and your name goes in the hat. Whatever I make or buy for the Alki Point between now and 11:59 pm December 31st, 2015, I'll double. One for me, one for you!

What a grand adventure! This is going to be so fun!


  1. Hi Jodi,
    Aren't miniaturists the best? I hadn't seen your blog before, but appreciate the tips I just saw about small scale metal stock. Good info; thanks!
    Austin ann

  2. That's super incredibly kind! I love reading your blog.

  3. Wow! You're being awesome! And congrats on your 100th post! It is really cool how we can all pool our knowledge isn't it? I'm pretty new to the blogging thing too, only a couple years, and I feel like such an amateur sometimes.

    I tried your suggestion for the stick flat glue on the HBS siding... Painting or staining it afterwards will still make it curl despite the glue. But its much better. Maybe painting/staining first and pressing it flat to dry? Then gluing it? Let me know how yours goes!

  4. Yippee Jodi! So glad we all found each other! Who else would listen to my crazy stories about minions without making a call to the authorities?! LOL!

  5. Pssst:

    1. Thanks Anna-Maria - I appreciate your looking out!

  6. I have come to value our mini-blogging community very, very much. I know exactly what you mean.

    Your giveaway sounds intriguing, and it's very nice of you. Count me in :)

  7. Congratulations Jodi on your 100th post!
    My items arrived from your shop and I'm very pleased!

    1. Oh Alice! That is great news! Thanks so much for letting me know!

  8. Jodi, there are some pictures of what I've done with some of your pieces on my Facebook page Alice miniatures if you want to have a look.

    1. Alice I just spent the last couple hours ogling your Facebook page. Oh what heaven! You are so very talented, and I just LOVE your current project! The chrome turned out ~A-W-E-S-O-M-E~!!! I am going to go work on my project, now that I am feeling so inspired!!!

  9. Hi Jodi,
    Congratulations on 100 posts! That is impressive (and a lot of work!). I really enjoy reading your blog. You are a very skilled miniaturist who is willing to share knowledge and I thank you for that.
    I love seeing how your ideas turn into finished rooms and houses.
    Your give-away is very generous!

    1. Hi Sam,
      Your blog is incredible! Your pictures are so fun and creative! I know setting all of that up is a lot of work, but it is so enjoyable for the reader!
      Speaking of talent, wow! Your builds are so clever and the finish work is so nicely detailed! The kind words you shared are a true complement coming from you!
      Thanks so much for reading the blog and pitting your name in the hat! You'll see that I have put your blog in my favorites, too!

  10. Congratulations on your 100th post!

    1. Thanks so much! And thanks for posting! Good luck!

  11. Congratulations on doing 100 hundred posts. I enjoy reading about your minis and love that you are sharing your knowledge with us. As a new person to minis I can use all the help and guidance I can get. Thank you for your giveaway.

    1. Thanks so much, Shelley! It really is fun to read everyone's blog and see what magic they are making! Learning little tips and techniques is now light years ahead of where it used to be! I'm glad you enjoy the blog, and thanks so much for entering the giveaway!

  12. I can't wait to go back and read all the posts. So glad I found your blog! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Stacy! I hope you enjoy reading about my madness!

  13. Congratulations to 100 posts! And thank you so much for all the tutorials, I love them! Hopefully I'll manage to take my dollhouse crafting from my basement to the blog world one day ;-)

    1. Thanks so much, Familjen! I am glad that you enjoy them! You really should start a blog. It is great to look back at what you've accomplished!

  14. Congratulations on your 100th! Thank You for sharing your creativity. Have a happy and healthy 2016!

    1. Thank you, Orchid! It is so fun to share the happiness with the wonderful mini community!
      I wish you the best in 2016, as well!

  15. Your blog and your work is amazing, I SO enjoy it. Thanks for sharing xx

    1. Thank you, Elbey! Amazing is a very kind word! :O)

  16. Just found your blog. Love the tufted headboard, can't wait to try it. Congrats on your 100th post. Jo Selvaggio

    1. Thank you, Jo! I wish you great success in your endeavor! It was really fun to do! I will definitely make one for myself soon!

  17. Congrats Jodi on the big 100!! your posts are terrific... fun to read, great ideas and awesome photos!!
    Continue the wonderful miniature adventure! Miniatures Rock!!

    1. Suzanne thank you so much for the encouragement! I really hope that the posts help to encourage everyone to go beyond their comfort zone! The fun is in the learning, the challenge and eventually the successes!

  18. Congratulations on your 100th post! I am so happy I found your blog. I especially like your clear instructions and comments on products -- as well as of course your sense of style!

    1. Thanks so much, Penelope! I also very much like your blog! What an amazing community that we are a part of!


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