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Monday, December 14, 2015

Just Do It Already!!!

Do you ever hesitate before you permanently attach fixtures or walls? Boy I do! I am always nervous that I have forgotten something, and that attaching it might be a big mistake! Today I decided that the only way to move forward on the Alki Point project was to just do it already!

Here is the bathroom. I permanently installed the toilet and the sink unit. I attached the last sheet of tile to the partition wall (no photo yet), but I won't install that just yet. I almost removed the protective sheeting from the shower wall, but decided to wait. I have painted the replacement Shapeways TP and towel holder etc... and need to install them after they dry. Chrome paint takes forever to dry!

I glued most of the decor stuff to the kitchen shelves, let that dry while I made dinner, then attached the side wall after that. While I had that taped and glued, I took the opportunity to run more wood glue along all of the seems that cannot be seen. I want to make sure since these are two kits turned into one that there is plenty of points that help support any stress.

One of the fun little projects was making some little plants. I have a drawer full of silk and plastic plants and flowers. Some are left overs from the 90's when fake floral swags were cool, and I also pick up things from Joann's when they go on sale. They are in order of before materials used, and after completed below.

And these are for my giveaway Who!


  1. I literally wait to the last minute to glue things in and even then, I'm second guessing whether I should have done it. Love all of the detail in the kitchen and bathroom. A beautiful mix of colour and materials against that lovely wood floor =0)

    1. Thanks Pepper! Your stair wall in the brick building was the inspiration! Can't wait to see more of that project!

  2. Im the same, so I use wax to start with which olds well, until I eventually use glue when the wax wears out, it's a good temp fix tho if you are unsure.

    1. Great tip, Elbey! I use the wax for other things, so I do have it around!

  3. Glue makes me nervous too.

    I'm loving what you've done, it looks fantastic. :D

    1. Thanks, Keli! I keep popping over to your beach house photos - just wow!!!

  4. Hello Jodi,
    It is looking beautiful. I also put off gluing items as long as possible. I finish a room, have several dry runs with all the elements I want to put in it, then think about it for way too long ;)
    Big hug

    1. Whatever your process is, don't change a thing! It all comes out PERFECT! I tend to be indecisive too, because I don't want to be disappointed in the end!

  5. To glue or not to glue - that is truly the question. The smaller, less costly items I tend to glue, but using tiny dots of glue. The other things get smeared with a bit of Stick it Again, and hope for the best. Meaning mostly that neither the item, nor what it sets on is not seriously "wounded". So much inspiration from these postings, thanks.

    1. It is a struggle, Carol! I tend to think that whatever I make or purchase for a project belongs forever and solely to that piece. That it should be displayed as the imagining I had for that project, and remain like a time capsule. That may change if and when I ever start collecting real artisan pieces. It also makes it harder for me to "borrow" things from completed projects that I may not return!

  6. Wow. That's just gorgeous... To stick little things on the shelves I use Zots from the scrapbooking section at the craft store. Permanently gluing in fixtures...yeah I hesitate on that too... It takes a lot to get me to glue things down.

    1. It's so funny that you reminded me of Zots, Sheila! I often use them to hold up moldings to measure for cuts, etc. I had completely forgotten to even consider them for temporary place fitting! Thank you!

  7. Excellent plants!! :D I always dry fit forever before pulling the trigger. Just glued the roof on my contest house a mere 3-4 days before the deadline. :D

    1. Okay, great! The consensus seems to be wait, ponder, wait, ponder, wait, consider, carefully move forward with as little adhesive as possible! I'm glad I am not alone! :0)

  8. I'm sort of pleased to see other people struggle with this as well.
    I think I've only ever permanently fixed one room.
    I'm scared I'm going to muck it up!
    The components in my new house are complete units so I can take them out if I change my mind, including the whole bathroom.
    The kitchen in my last house is still held up with tacky wax incase I do it wrong.

    1. Wow that is a great idea Alice! Do they just slide out?

  9. The paintings in my gallery are resting against the walls because I'm afraid I will hang them in the wrong spot. Why is it so hard? I will just do it already, maybe, one day soon, I hope.

    1. Maybe the mini wax stuff would be a good temporary solution for you. You know, live with it before you have to decide?

    2. Jodi, They have been waiting for a year while I do anything else I can think of to put off the commitment. I really have to finish sewing the doll clothes before Christmas as they are a present. But, you know, maybe I 'll just borrow some of your backbone, face up to the issue and do it for the New Year. Thank you for the inspiring post. I think I can, I think I can, chug, chug.

    3. I totally get it, but I have to let you know about my aunt. She decided one day that she needed to re-tile her bathroom. She proceeded to tear all of the old tile and backer board out of the tub and shower surround. She hung plastic painters tarps over the stud openings so the shower could still be used while she decided. That was in 2004. She still has not decided, and the painters tarps are still up. Just sayin'... :O)

    4. You stinker! You are supposed to encourage my courage as I am supposed to encourage you to continue with your beautiful, creative minis. Did you not just recently tell us that the mini community was supportive. Oh, Jodi, I feel for your aunt, poor woman. I got a good laugh out of your story, but you are a stinker lol . I look forward to more fun exchanges with you and I am going to get those pictures hung soon.
      I'm off to bed now, have a good night, you stinker. Lol...

    5. LOL! It's just tough love for your own good! Like my grandpa used to say, even a kick in the @$$ is a step forward! :O)

  10. same here I don't gluemuch. I use a mini sticky wax so I can change if if I need to very rarely have I glued thngs down I love your bathroom the show is very nice

    1. Hi Chris! Thanks so much for your comment and for finding your way here! I have added your blog to my Good Reads list and I hope you'll find time to continue sharing your wonderful creativity with posts!


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