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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Fe Fi Faux Fun

These days it seems to take me twice as long to accomplish half as much. Probably because I have less than half as much mini time as I used to. Sadly, this means I just don't have the time to engage with your encouraging comments (though it fills my heart to read them 💗). I have little time to enjoy your blog posts or post as often to mine. 😥 Please forgive me, bear with me, and I promise - one day things will be back they way they were once again. That's enough with my lamenting. Let's just enjoy some progress, shall we?

As soon as I got the chance I continued with the trailer's tiny bathroom, applying wallpaper and a "Formica" countertop to the lower half of the curved front wall. I also took the opportunity to add a TP roll holder and a couple towel bars while I could still get my hands in to hold things while glue set. Like typical trailers, there's only room enough for small folks to move in here.

Bathroom Bird's Eye

A cozy place to poop.

I installed the banquet in the main cabin - here's a look from the front door and one looking into the bedroom..

When deciding on the finishes for the countertops in the bedroom, I wanted to bring in a bit of a wood element to tie in with the floor. Like so many vintage trailers from this era, what better homage could I pay than with a faux wood finish? That's when I set out to attempt a faux wood look on chipboard.

Painted faux wood on chipboard.

Here is a tutorial with the steps and products I used to achieve the faux wood look.

Vintage Faux Wood Finish

I wanted to tie the trailer's wood vibe into every room, so set about making a magazine holder, shelves, a letter holder, mirror/coat hangers, chair and banquet table all in Design Space. As always I used chipboard for everything except the dowel for the table base and the tiny 1/16' x 1/8" shelf slats.

 I applied the same faux wood technique to everything.

The magazine holder adorns the bathroom. Before cell phones, having a variety of interesting bathroom reading was essential!

Mirrors always help to make a small space feel roomier and I guess that's why so many vintage trailers had them. Mine also have handy hanging pegs because there is no such thing as too many storage options!


Entry Way

The storage hutch needed a little wood trim, too.

A handy mail and letter holder. Remember those?

The banquet table

These shelves are going to hold fresh herb pots. How will they get sunlight, you ask?
Stay tuned and you'll see!

If you followed my Beachside Bungalow project then you may remember Roxanne (read to the blog post's post script to learn more). Her dream has always been to live a sustainable life, growing her own food, selling produce and flowers at the local farmer's market and enjoying a very simple life. The travel trailer is a big part of her dream and I am so happy to finally be working on it for her. In light of that she has been working with me in the background so I can make sure everything is a perfect fit both literally and stylistically. I am thrilled to report that she is thrilled!

Her wardrobe needs some serious attention. Anybody know where to get Heidi Ott sized overalls and garden boots? I think I have a cute sun hat around here someplace!

One more thing before I sign off... I Haven't discussed the lighting plan with you yet, but the trailer will definitely have lighting. For the bedroom, I installed puck lights in the cupboard above the bed cubby. To tie into the wood element here I cut trim circles from wood printed scrapbook paper. Roxanne appreciates the attention to details that only she will see.

Hopefully I'll be back in a couple weeks with progress that makes the trailer seem more livable.

Take care, my friends!

xo xo,


  1. Dear Jodi, It's great to see your creativity whether or not you can reply to comments! (For years I couldn't find the time to reply on my blog... it took so long to load properly I just couldn't manage it and replies often "disappeared"!) I am just happy to know you are okay and making minis when you can! :):) The faux wood technique you used is extremely effective!! I was completely fooled! Well done! And I love the "70's" vibe it gives the Trailer! I think Roxanne is the perfect Traveler for this home and she sure looks Happy!!! I am glad you have mini People in your projects... especially when it comes to making sure the spaces will work! :) Tiny bathroom space is valuable but needs to fit too! Your kitchen table looks so wonderfully retro too! I am also tickled that yo went to the trouble to make faux wood surrounds for the can lights! You are acing this project!!! I just Love it! And I love seeing your post whenever they come! :):):)

  2. Hi Jodi: the trailer is looking amazing! Can I move in? Just kidding. No seriously-can I move in? If we had room to totally redo our real trailer, I would steal a lot of your ideas, but I must settle for a less feminine color scheme. I can still pretend this is mine though. I do so enjoy your work and blog. 🙂

  3. La evolución del proyecto esta fabuloso.
    La combinación de colores es genial.
    Espero que con tiempo vuelvas a la normalidad en tu vida.
    Un saludo.

  4. The floors are amazing. I would never guess that with just paints strokes you could accomplish such good results to create a realistic floor.

  5. This post and all your photos made my whole day! Your trailer is the most wonderful thing! And the "cozy place to poop" had me laughing for hours. I want to move into this lovely trailer and travel the world!

  6. Tu progreso con la caravana se ve maravilloso! me gustan esos acabados en madera, le aportan mucha calidez. Es normal que Roxanne esté emocionada...yo también lo estoy!!

  7. Oh, what a wonderful post! ;O) And as so many times before I am once more in awe with your ability and even more your talent to make a tiny space look bigger as it is. And it's great (mind the word joke!) how you're giving every space as much use as possible... for example by adding pegs to a mirror. Yes, one can never have enough storing space... and you've created so much of it in your trailer - which is exactly what people are doing with their 1:1 trailers in real life too. Without any surprise Roxanne is looking totally happy... no doubt, she's able to see her dream come alive!

    Anyhow, two things took our special attention. The first was "A cozy place to poop"... so funny. And Rosey and I say "thumbs up" because no better description could ever be found (although we would insist on adding another adjective turning it into "a cozy and beautiful place to poop")

    But a certain house mate (I'm not telling any names as usual for reason of discretion) was still nagging about the colour and your claim this would be cozy. Mr. X said he would still prefer the bushes and that he would like to have a talk with you about the fact that there would be butterflies on the walls while a flutterybeary would never be able to fit into this space with his wings on... *oops*

    And the second thing was your remark that you would hopefully be back in a couple of weeks. Well, we wish you all the best in the meantime!

    Birgit (and from Mr. X and Miss Y too)
