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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Tardy Traveler

If there's anyone still coming by here, HELLO! I know, I know. It's been a long time and it seems as though I'd fallen off the face of the Earth. Nothing quite that dramatic, though many unexpected life changes left me not feeling much like making minis. I haven't got the heart to talk about all of it today, so I'll just keep this post about a new mini project that I started a few weeks ago...

A trailer?!? I know. When I last posted I was still working on the treehouse. What can I say? The long hiatus caused me to lose my inspiration for it. Seasoned miniaturists know that if you want to have fun with minis, you have to follow your inspiration. No matter how many unfinished projects you have giving you the evil eye. So yes... as the photos above suggest, I got down the dusty Travel Trailer Kit. It seemed bite sized enough to encourage me gently into my mini groove again.

As ever, I'm unable to leave well enough alone. Straight away I was cutting holes into the walls. Actually, all I did was make the concession window opening a bit longer in order to add a "slide out" feature. Gotta maximize the space, especially in a dinky travel trailer! Mine won't actually slide in and out, it just looks as though it can. I boxed in the cut out wall by adding 2" deep walls/floor/ceiling with 1/8" basswood sheet.

Added 2" deep side walls, floor and ceiling.

Affixed to the trailer.

The exterior looks a little more interesting, too!

The "slide out" was the perfect place to install a compact but cute kitchenette. Just enough space for a stove/oven, microwave, sink, mini fridge and a small bit of counter space.

Cabinets courtesy of chipboard cut with the Cricut Maker.

Finally! A use for all those leftover 3D printed knobs and burners!

The kitchenette installed in the "slide out".

With the kitchenette, dining table/seating and storage assigned to the "main cabin", all the trailer needed to be livable on the road was a bedroom and bathroom on either end. I cut a floor template out of graph paper in order to have a better visual and get the measurements just right. With those rooms figured out I could add the rest of the wallpapers.

I used scrapbook paper with a wood pattern to cover the trailer's floor piece. I was so careful to install the center of the design in the middle of the drawers in the kitchen. Then when I glued it to the wall I somehow managed to glue the trailer floor in the wrong direction! now it's off center. Out of practice, I guess. I am going to work hard to ignore my mistake so that it won't bother me, much.

Time to make the interior walls. To be able to have a decent sized bathroom I made the wall jog enough to fit a sink and shower on one side and a trailer sized toilet on the other.

Walls are 1/8" basswood.

Bird's eye view.



All the pretty wallpapers added...

The advantage to making all the furniture is that I can make it to fit exactly to my space. Everything below was designed and cut with the Cricut Maker using chipboard. 

Even the toilet is made from chipboard. It is 19 layers of 2 mm chipboard in graduating sizes, glued one on top of the other. I sanded the seams then filled in the really noticeable areas with joint compound. Then a final sanding and a couple coats of craft paint brushed on. It needs a final sanding and a good spray coat of Krylon Triple Thick. Then, being in the back of the viewing area, it will pass for a trailer toilet.

Peek-a-boo toilet, shower and a peek into the bathroom cabinet.

Built in cabinets and drawers make trailer living a little easier.

Banquet cushions and table coming soon...

Bird's eye view.


Thanks for coming by in spite of my unexplained absence. I have missed you and being so inspired by your projects. I hope to catch up on blog posts and to keep making progress on the trailer as I have time.

xo xo,



  1. What a wonderful project. As always I love your spin on it. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

  2. Dear Jodi, Welcome Baaack!!!!!! I think of you very often and have been hoping you were just enjoying an extended "holiday".... I'm just glad to see you are still making minis! And the travel trailer is a great little project for someone with your "machine park" and skills! The wallpapers really do liven up the interior and your addition of the pull-out for the kitchenette is brilliant! As always, I am in awe of the speed with which you accomplish the design and make-over of a kit! And being able to use up "left-overs" from other projects is always sooo satisfying! There's a reason we don't throw them out, right?!! I hope you are finding this project as fun to do as it is for us to see you make it! I can't wait to see what comes next!!! :):):)

  3. Love the trailer; your work is always fabulous.

  4. I'm really glad to "see" you! I was beginning to get does turn us upside down sometimes! Love the little trailer and wish I had it in RL :)

  5. Good to see you post. I check your blog from time to time because I knew you would be back. Life has been a little rough over here as well. Your trailer is the best one I have ever seen, and it isn't even completed yet! A pop up to boot, love it!

  6. Always follow your inspiration - otherwise it just never works. And good thing you did because the trailer is looking fantastic! Well done with the toilet; I think ot's very convincing. I hope all the other stuff has settled a bit.

  7. Celebro que estés de vuelta.
    El domingo hablábamos Rosa y yo que hacia tiempo no te veíamos en el blog y estábamos preocupadas.
    Un nuevo proyecto, que ilusión, será fascinante seguir el proceso de elaboración pues siempre nos sorprendes.
    Los trabajos a medias tu los terminas seguro. Yo tengo varios a medias y no se por cual empezar.
    Espero que estés bien.
    Un saludo

  8. Love your trailer! I've travelled in a few trailers in my time and this brings back so many memories - especially the bathroom!

  9. Me alegro mucho de verte de nuevo por aquí, te hemos echado mucho de menos. Como dice Marian el domingo quedamos después de mucho tiempo y por supuesto nuestro tema de conversación siempre son las minis, ella si que está trabajadora; yo no pero me conformo disfrutar de vuestros trabajos. Tu nuevo proyecto me encanta y me admira como los transforma y te cabe con gran acierto cada estancia. Espero que ya todo esté bien en tu vida cotidiana, un abrazo

  10. How nice to see you again, Jodi, and this charming trailer is just the thing to come back with! I've been oohing and aaahing and awwwing over your photos. So delightful! Wishing you all the best. ❤️

  11. Hi Jodi--so glad to see you back and doing what you love again! The trailer is wonderful. I wish our real trailer looked like that! We are hopefully going to do an update(cuz it's a 1989 prowler). This trip our toilet broke but we managed and now it's fixed. We too have had some issues like you, but we are pushing through. Just glad to see you back-the sun is still shining! :o))

  12. Life does get in the way, doesn't it? I knew that I was not the only one checking on to see if you had returned, and so glad that you have. I've taken most of the summer off from mini-making and I am back in the mood to work to finish the Manchester--close. I've seen that adorable trailer and have been curious. You are always a hard act to follow with all of your custom touches and cool colors. In the age of mini homes, this would be the perfect sanctuary parked in some out of the way woodsy spot.

  13. Oh, what a wonderful post! ;O) Most of all because it's finally a new post from you; ah, it's so good to see you here again in blogland... but of course also about its content. It was a great idea to get back in touch with your creativity by choosing a new and smaller project (and I would bet working on the trailer kit was much more promising than "barking" the exterior walls of the tree house... *grin*)

    It's amazing what you've made out of this limited space! When I compare the suggestion coming along with the kit with what you've done with it now... stunning, awesome and fabulous. It even makes me wonder if Roz spread a bit of illusionary growth powder in it. *LOL*

    But honestly, regarding that you even added walls it still appears to be much bigger with much more space than the one room in the original suggestion. And as always it's so wonderful to see what you and your trusted machine park are able to do. It's such an advantage being able to customize your furniture, even more in such a small project. And hooray, another evidence for every miniaturists mantra: Never throw anything away because THAT special day when it will be useful will come! *smile*

    And as always I'm also in awe with your colour scheme. So cheerful, so inviting, creating such a happy place... all of this with a sometimes courageous mix of patterns and colours. But you have a hand for this, when you mix different papers it always creates the most happiest place.

    However, around here we have two opposite opinions about the toilet. Well, all of us agree that it's amazing work and that nobody would ever guess that this was made out of cardboard layers. But we have one opinion here (I'm not telling names of course) who exclaimed that this pink toilet was the most beautiful loo she had ever seen in her whole life. And well, there was another opinion (again no name) who said before he would ever use a pink toilet he would rather remember that he was a bear and go out into the bushes. *LOL*

    Great to see you back... and so much fun to see what magic you've woven on this trailer kit.


  14. Joslittletown.blogspot.comAugust 14, 2024 at 6:45 AM

    I am so glad you're back! I thought about emailing you several times, because I was worried. I know your mom had a health scare earlier this year and was worried about that. I love this project! I did this trailer several years ago and never thought about putting in a slide out. I love this design you have created.

  15. Glad to hear from you and see you back with minis!

  16. Es un proyecto proyecto y muy interesante tal y como lo planteas !!!
