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Saturday, December 12, 2015

One For Me, One For You

One for me...

Bath Vanity Accessories For Me

Chrome Shower Fixtures And Acrylic Wall Added (paper stays on for now)

One for you...

Bath Accessories

One for me...

Espresso Machine
Based Loosely On This Model

One for who?


Post your comment on this post. You might me the Who!

Enjoy your weekend, all!


  1. I love the sneak peeks of Alki Point we're getting...can't wait for the reveal!

    1. I read your blog this morning, ooohhed and ahhhed over the pictures, then got a new cup of coffee and did it again! Every time I look I see new little details! Really, really stunning Keli!
      Oh - How goes the repairs and closing details for Katie?

    2. Thanks :)

      If all goes to plan, Kate will close on the house Friday, then will go about hiring a contractor for the repairs.

    3. Oh! Friday is my birthday! I hope she closes on Friday! I'll keep my finger crossed for her! Her first Christmas in her new house! That's so wonderful!

  2. Oops!
    That bathroom is just beautiful!
    What did you use for your towels?
    Please keep going with the alkipoint, you're doing great!

    1. Thank you, Alice!
      I had some left over towels from The barn project. They are just House Of Miniatures that had lace on them. I cut and glued them, minus the lace, then put them in mini clamps until the glue dried. I saw somewhere that someone used baby washcloths, and they looked way better. I might look for them next time I'm at the dollar store.

  3. Your designs are fabulous! I think the minions need an espresso machine.....;)

    1. Oh! An espresso machine would be perfect in Buns & Roses!

  4. I'm just catching up with everyone's posts and wanted to say how fantastic your 3D printing came out. I think the chroming paint looks good (it's a pain to get that right in miniature, innit?).
    I don't want to be included in your giveaway - not because I don't covet your beautiful minis but because I will purchase your designs and let more deserving people have the chance to win them. But thank you, it's kind when people share there talent and offer goodies to their readers =0)

    1. Thank you, Pepper! It was a great experience making and getting to see them!
      Now that you are all caught up on blogs, will you please post more photos of your Creatin' Contest build? I am dying to see it!!!

  5. Your Bathroom is looking Very Smart and I love the sink unit as well as the way that you have dressed it. Your expresso machine is also quite delightful too. Very well Done!!! :D

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! I keep waiting for your Creatin' Contest updates! I want to see! Please!!!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Kat! The photos are not the best in detail. I got a new micro lens for my phone, so I hope to get some better photos with it. If it doesn't do a better job, I'll have to learn how to use the hubs' Go Pro.

  7. Wow...that's just gorgeous. Can't wait to see the lucky who!

    1. Me too! I better get busy making!!!
      Just 4 more days! Aren't you excited! You've put in so much work and it is looking really cool! I can't wait to see your submission photos!

  8. Hello Jodi,
    Fantastic work. Everything is very well done and looks quite realistic. They are lovely, but pleae count me out. They are not appropriate period wise for my project and I would hate to have them sit in a drawer for feels like my manor will never finish!
    Big hug

    1. Thank you, Giac! I totally understand - the kind of period detail you do is replica, not interpretive. And it is so wonderful to look at!

  9. Jodi, please consider a tutorial on the espresso machine, it is something I would love to put in all of my houses
    Thanks, Shelley

    1. That is an excellent idea, Shelley! Now that I look at the photo, there are most definitely some things I will do better next time. I'll post a how to on them very soon!

    2. I just discovered your blog. You do awesome work. The bathroom and kitchen are fantastic. I'd love to know more about the chrome paint. Is it spray paint? It looks much mode shiny than the kind I use.

  10. That is very kind, thank you! The chrome paint is a spray paint - you can read that post here:
    It needs updating, but I still have a few more tests and different paint to try on additional pieces before I do. It seems to turn out pretty well, but requires many light coats, a dust cover in between, and takes a good 3-4 days to dry. I do like the result, if I am patient!

  11. I just ordered the shower head, sink vessel, faucet set, towel bar set and the wall-mount toilet from Shapeways. Thanks for having these wonderful contemporary bath fixtures available. I can't wait to see them in the bathroom I'm creating in the 2017 Creatin Contest model.

  12. Thank you so much for ordering them! :O) I am so excited to know they'll be included in your build! Do tell - what's your vision for the project? It is such a versatile kit this year - the possibilities are so exciting! Thanks again for liking my designs - I hope you love them! <3


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