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Thursday, July 6, 2023


Hi Guys! I've missed you! As usual, my summer is filled with fun, life sized activities that leave less time for minis. And the time that I do find is comprised of short stretches of work that leave my progress (and my chronicling of it) fragmented. As I begin to assemble my photos to recreate the story of my progress, I am a bit weary of how well I can make it flow. Please bear with me as I try!

I believe I last left off with trying to finish up the trunkhouse's first floor living room. I had made a mess applying Paperclay between the timbers and needed to sand and touch up the paint. I've done that and managed to get a very rustic look. Here is where the room stands today. It is ready for window frames and ceiling.

I stopped there to begin getting the small entry/front door attachment sorted out. To refresh your memory, it is made up of a foam core floor, walls and roof, and will have a fairy shaped door.

To the walls, I've added "stones" just like the wood stove hearth.

The floor is covered in wooden floorboards to keep it simple. Part of them will show on the "porch", and part of them will show inside.

With Fred's Weathering Stain applied.

I can't be sure if the underside of the porch will be exposed after I apply all the bark, so just in case, I finished it with deck boards and wood beams.

After staining.

The ceiling/roof were finished similarly, with a rough wood ceiling and a standing seam "metal" roof. Beams and paint to come...

I said I wanted to cut a window in the fairy door and I did, Then, I made an interior and exterior window frame out of a couple laser cut Tudor style windows that I had in my stash. In the photo below, it is hard to see that the door is painted in a satin purple paint called wisteria and that the window frames are painted in a contrasting, sparkly metallic paint called Amethyst. It is a nice contrast and, hopefully, will show up better in later photos. I have yet to "glass", embellish and install them, but hope to this week.

In the photos below, I have all the stones applied, sealed, grouted, age washed, sealed again and the door frame installed.

In this photo, I have installed the timbers and applied the Paperclay inside. Though a little cleaner job, I still have a bit of touch up to do.

But not until after I get all the moss applied into the exterior stone's crevasses.

With a little luck and some quieter days, my next post will have better continuity. Maybe the first floor living room might even be completed! I know Roz and the gang will be delighted to reach that milestone!

Until then, my friends, work on making your mini dreams come true. Even if tiny piece by tiny piece!

xo xo,



  1. Your wisteria door is so charming along with your rock work and moss! What a welcoming entrance for your Trunkhouse! And it's important to enjoy these summer days. I'm sure Roz and the gang understand completely!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I am super excited to get farther along on the trunkhouse, but time just seems to fill up and go by faster this time of year. Hopefully, I'll have more progress to share soon!

  2. You did a lot of hard work this week, Jodi! Your progress is inspiring! I love the door and all of the stone work you did.
    Happy Summer!

    1. Thanks Julia! Hope you're enjoying the summer, too!

  3. It's all so beautiful Jodi, the Wisteria & Amethyst paint is a perfect choice for the Trunkhouse and I'm sure Roz will love it
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks X! I love the purple shades in this project and am trying to strike a balance with all the woodsy elements. Fingers crossed I can find it!

  4. I've been seeing your latest posts about the fairy's tree house and I can't help but be amazed by the work done, it's wonderful, every detail. Without a doubt it will be another spectacular work, like everything you do. Congratulations.

    1. Thanks Paky! There is so much opportunity in a project like this for creativity and whimsy - I am really enjoying it, too! Thanks for coming along on the adventure with me!

  5. Hi Jodi! Any progress is progress in my book! We never get "there" if we don't add up all those inch-by-inch steps! And I think your progress looks perfectly lovely! The stonework around the door is already looking great before the moss is added! And I am a fan of purple.... although I usually run to the darker shades, but really love the sound of sparkly amethyst paint!!! I also hope it shows up better in future pics... but I know how hard it is to photograph glittery effects! (Glitter abounds in my mini worlds! LOL!) And I know you will knock us out with the window painting you will add! And as far as I am concerned.... just the decisions about the flooring and ceiling and undersides of both would have stumped (pun intended) me for months.... so You go girl!!! And be sure to Enjoy the time in RL happiness too! :):):)

    1. Thanks Betsy! I'm so glad you like what measly progress I've managed to fit in! I think you can relate if I say that the longer it takes me to make progress, the more I feel the mania of inspiration slipping away. I am fighting to get time at my table and make encouraging progress, but life seems to have other plans for me. The activities include a lot of fun and time with loved ones which is wonderful, but there is always 20 hours of work to prepare for two hours of fun. That is frustrating. I need an event planner and a maid, lol!

  6. Yes summer is not a great time for crafting but in my opinion you did a huge progress and I love every detail. Your stone work is incredible. Roz is going to be delighted with her home. Thank you again for sharing your work. I always look forward to enjoying your posts.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thanks Drora! Just having time this summer to sit and think about what makes sense to tackle next is daunting. I am hoping to get another good stretch of days to work before the next batch of guests arrive! Hope you are finding time to be creative in spite of your selfless volunteer work! Hugs

  7. Poco tiempo pero muy fructífero, me encanta la forma de la puerta, quedará una escena preciosa. Disfruta del verano en buena compañía. Besos

    1. ¡Gracias Rosa María! ¡Espero que su verano también esté lleno de diversión ocupada!

  8. Summer is not very suitable for mini species with the high temperatures here and so my hands are always sweaty.
    The stonework around the door is wonderful. The purple color of door, windows and frame is a good choice.

    1. Thanks Faby! Hope you get some cool days so you can play!

  9. Tercera entrada que no he visto y el avance exitoso sigue.
    Un trabajo genial.
    Un saludo

    1. ¡Gracias Mariana! ¡Yo también estoy teniendo problemas para mantenernos! ¡Espero que tu verano sea divertido!

  10. El acceso de entrada me parece estupendo.

    1. ¡Gracias Isabel! ¡Es tan divertido trabajar dentro de la fantasía!

  11. I love your stone. It's so pretty and realistic! The lavender looks perfect with it. Just the right touch of fairytale.

  12. Que bonito el co traste de la mampostería, las piedras y el color lavanda de la puerta,queda precioso! El toque mágico de cuento de hadas está en marcha!!!

    1. ¡Gracias Pilar! ¡Estoy tan contenta de que te guste! Mi directiva de Roz fue hacer que se viera como una verdadera casa de baúles con solo sutiles indicios de que una madrina Temible temerosa amorosa púrpura y su petulante dragón mascota violeta vivían allí. ¡Hasta ahora, todo bien!

  13. Oh what a wonderful post! ;O) However, it's already No. 2 today... oh my, only so little fun stuff left for me to enjoy... *LOL*

    I really love your work with the entrance and the door. Cutting a window into the door leaves me in awe... and I already know that it will be worth all the effort in the end once you've attached everything. Your color scheme is so lovely and without any doubt Roz-approved. And although the difference is a bit hard to spot it was a great decision to use two different lilac shades. I can hardly wait to see what you're going to do with the glasses.

    And what I forgot to mention in my previous comment is that the walls with the timber and the paperclay filling look awesome. Looks like you've made friends with paperclay by now... ;O)

    Birgit (who is now on her way to the last of today's three posts... my, already the last... *sob*)

    1. Thanks Birgit! Don't be too sad as there is so many more posts to come! I have much more work ahead of me, and it sounds like you have been super busy, too! I sent Russ by himself this weekend to Tasha's farm to help them rebuild a shop annex, so I have been able to make great progress! Don't tell him but when he's at home he can be a major distraction, lol!

      The door is coming along, but slowly. I am only making progress in small details as I am waiting for more major aspects of the project to dry. It will likely be attached last as to do so before I finish the last floor would be to risk damaging it in my wrestling actions. And man! Am I wrestling with this thing to get into it's crevices!!! It must be good exercise because I sweat a lot!

      Paperclay and I have become great friends! I have learned it's nature, how it likes to be treated and even manipulated! The very unfortunate thing about it is that I paid $7 for the first package and now it is hovering around $14!!! When I run out of this pack I will be experimenting with DAS which is still $7. I'll let everyone know how it compares!

