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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sweet Christmas Cottage - Gingerbread Exterior

It has been such fun to watch the exterior evolve. Each layer getting closer to the sweet vision I imagined.

When It was time to click the lights on, I held my breath. Then, seeing each one glowing, I squealed with delight!

I made the post and porch lights by drilling out clear resin gumdrops for globes and candy cane pieces for poles. The little peppermints made perfect spacers!

For the porch posts, I drilled holes into candy canes and gum drops bases, then used resin to anchor the pins to make them sturdy.

I couldn't resist making a cookie cutter wind chime for the front porch!

The chimney is removable for access in case of wiring issues. Let's hope I never have to remove it though.

The other side was calling for some Tudor style frosting covered timbers.

I just love how the interior lights shine through the candy windows!

As usual, when viewing the photos I see opportunities to add more things. I recon I will, but the main focus will be to get the bedroom finished up in time for Christmas.

Wishing each and every one of you a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of everything to be thankful for!

xo xo,


  1. I can only say WOW!!! Fantastic exterior finish!
    Happy Thanks Giving Day to you and yours!
    Hugs, Drora

  2. jodi, this looks wonderful! and the lights are so cosy - perfect in a winter's night. are these real candies you used? some of them are sooo tiny...And how did you put the icing on? you must have laid the house on it's sides - means that you had to take out all things not glued on inside... wow! what a great little house :-)))

    1. Thanks Marion! All the candies are non foods, made of resin and plastic. The fluffy frosting is Mod Podge Collage Clay, but comes in a piping bag with three different tips. It starts out just like buttercream, but dries hard like plaster - it is fun to use! I didn't have to lay the house on sides as the tip is flexible which allowed me to angle it during the application as needed. I have never piped a cake, so the whole experience was a new one for me!

  3. What a delicious facade!! Jodi, no doubt, this is a master piece. Gorgeous!

  4. It's gone from swell to grand! I love the lights. And the wind chime is the end of me. You are so clever!

    1. Thanks Megan! Once you're on a roll with candy and gingerbread on your mind, there is no end to the fun ideas that flow!

  5. Wow, what a great job, the lights a love them. The way you shows how you made it. Fantastic.

    1. Thanks Thea! I am so glad that you have enjoyed it along with me!

  6. My shortest comment ever - It is absolute perfection don't add another single thing. Wonderful. Marilyn

    1. Thanks Marilyn! I think I'll use the leftover goodies for the real tree this year!

  7. Oh WOW!!! (Yay! I can reply again!!!) I am so loving this little house!!! I used to make RL Gingerbread houses.... this has me Dreaming!!! Those cookie cutter wind chimes are So perfect! And seeing it with the lights on is Fantastic!!! I agree that those windows are gorgeous with the light shining through! I Adore this project!!! It is so much fun to follow... I can't wait to see more! :):):)

    1. Hi Betsy! Yes - I had clicked on the "Allow Google Plus Comments" not realizing that it would be an "instead of" rather than an "in addition to".
      It must be so much fun to make a real gingerbread house - something I have never done! I hope you do make one and share it with us on your blog. With your creativity and artistry, I bet yours were stunning!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Melli! Hope you and the little one are well!

  9. Wow!! 0_0 What a beauty!
    I can practically smell the gingerbread here *wipes the drool from her mouth*
    So many beautiful details to admire and - like so many times before - to wonder and admire your talent and wealth of ideas.
    Gosh I would LOVE a house like that!
    Stunning and beautiful work.
    Hugs, Irina

    1. Thanks so much, Irina! That is so lovely of you to say, as you are someone I admire as well!

  10. Oh the roof! The lights! Love how everything lights up so perfectly and it looks so delicious! All your details are just perfect! Can't wait to see more!

    1. Thank you Sheila! I can hardly believe that this project that I have dreamed of doing for so long is here on my table and nearly finished. It has been so much fun, and I am truly grateful to see an idea become real!

  11. Thanks Keli! I should have made one I could eat, too! It's making me crave the sweets!

  12. If I thought it looked like a 'Giant Cookie' before Jodi, it's now A veritable FEAST FOR THE EYES!!! :D
    I LOVE the detailing on the roof; and what a difference it makes having the each tile outlined in white.
    The gumdrop exterior lights are in a word- BRILLIANT! not to mention the cleverly disguised under-roof lighting- a truly MARVELOUS special effect, which highlights the candies as well as the the frosting.
    The diffused interior light passing through the candy- coated window panes makes you to want to explore inside but the enticement of seeing that Adorable little wind-chime and the Wonder of all of that Delicious Candy keep you transfixed over each mouth-watering detail. :D

    I think Santa will be ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED to slide down this mini chimney on Dec. 24th, but he may not want to EVER go back UP ;D

    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments and encouragement Elizabeth! They really do mean so much to me!
      I don't know how a person could go wrong with a mini gingerbread house. There are just so many possibilities when working in this kind of genre. I am grateful to have found the materials and supplies that allowed me to see the vision come to life. It was a lot of hemming and hawing, trial and error, hours of research and sourcing, but persistence pays off!
      I hope Santa stays for a long time - I love a jolly fellow!

  13. Hello, Jodi! Huge progress! Lights make the house even more fun and festive. Wonderful work! Hugs, Julia

    1. Thanks Julia! I agree that the lights really made a great impact, and were worth the extra toil and trouble! Sometimes I chicken out when it comes to lighting, and I am so glad I overcame the fear this time and followed through!

  14. Well, butter my but and call be a biscuit! You got it done! *insert little cheering emoji here* :D
    Your lighting is brilliant Jodi! So creative.. I love that darkened picture where you can see the lighting you have put under the eaves.. such a great idea that creates wonderful ambiance and that little cookie cutter wind chime is darling!

    1. Ha ha! You crack me up!
      Thanks Sam! The under eave lighting turned out better than I hoped, and it looks even better in person! I can only expect so much from my phone camera and lack of knowledge with photographing in the dark :o)

    2. Yeah, my typoing cracks me up too *rolls eyes* lol.. but really it is so wonderful. It's going to be the star of your Christmas decorations this year.. I really do want to eat those graham cracker steps! :D

    3. Oy! You should see my texts! I totally didn't even notice and had to re-read it when you pointed it out! I've got some milk if you come by... We can share the steps! :O)

  15. It really looks amazing Jodi. I had trouble seeing where you were going with the exterior when you started. We don’t really have gingerbread houses much in Australia, I’ve seen small pictures on the internet, or the little kits you can buy at the supermarket. Anyway, with each step it came to life and it looks really effective.

    1. Thanks Shannon! It really took a lot of layers of "stuff" so I had trouble seeing that it would all come together at times, too. I had to keep telling myself to just keep going and be happy with however it turned out. It was a good lesson in trusting myself.

  16. Es impresionante lo bonita que ha quedado. Me encantan las luces y el efecto que producen sobre la casa cuando están encendidas.Es todo un sueño delicioso.

    1. Gracias Isabel! ¡Es tan maravilloso para mí que estés aquí para compartir la aventura!

  17. Jodi, you really out did yourself. This is the best Christmas house ever!!! (I sound like Will Ferrell from ELF) What a magical heirloom you have created!!

    1. Thanks so much, Carrie! I really love it too, and have had so much fun in the process! ELF was hilarious! I may have to watch it again this weekend!

  18. It is FABULOUS! So brilliant. It looks just like a real gingerbread house and it is just so cozy with the lights on. I am so glad you were able to meet your Thanksgiving goal and it must have been fun sharing it. That piping is so realistic. I can't wait to see the inside. That will also be so much fun to make!

    1. Thanks Penelope! I really wanted it to look like a gingerbread house to display it at Christmastime, and making the interior into a Christmas themed 1/12th cottage was just as much fun! I only have the bedroom left to finish inside, so I should meet the Christmas Eve deadline as well!

  19. Hello Jodi,
    It is incredible. With the lights on it is just magical! I love the positioning of the lights. They really accent the features of the incredible house. the candy detail is spot on and looks delicious. The candy cane columns are a terrific detail, but I must say I think the cookie cutter wind chime is my favorite special touch. The entire house is amazing!
    Big hug,

    1. Thanks Giac! It was a big hit with the family yesterday. Those who don't get my miniature obsession still thought it was really cool, and many asked how I come up with these crazy ideas. I just told them it's because I am weird! :O) I am so happy that you and all my other "weird" mini friends get it! I am not alone...

  20. Hello Jodi,
    wow!At first I thougt it is a real one!! It's fantastic!! So many gerät ideas! It' a masterpiece for Christmas! I love it!
    Greetings and a big hug

  21. Thanks Melanie! I'm happy it fooled you! :OP

  22. Your Christmas Cottage looks wonderful. All the details make it unique. I love it! I admire your creativity and thanks for sharing the photos with us.
    Greetings from Finland!

  23. Thank so much for the lovely comments and love all the way from beautiful Finland! I very much enjoy your blog, scenes and projects too!

  24. can i please move in! I love the christmas house, it is beautiful, all the details are amazing. And the lighting is wonderful, i really love it. I´m new to your blog and i fell in love with your cute miniatures, you are doing a great work.

    1. Hi Kim - Thanks so much for your kind words and welcome! If a tiny lady knocks on my door and asks to stay in the Sweet Christmas Cottage I'll know it's you! And you will be welcomed!
      Each of us who dream and try and create because they can't help it are so lucky to have others just like us to learn from and share with!

  25. Wow, wow, wow! This is gingerbread perfection! So many tiny details. Top notch work, my friend! :D

  26. This is just so enchanting! I can't think of a more darling miniature creation! The level of detail and craftsmanship definitely make it a heirloom piece, something I'm sure you and your family will cherish for years to come. Honestly I'm in awe over here. One of my top favourite dollhouses of all time! It's just so unique and absolutely adorable!

    1. Thanks Kristine! That's so nice of you to say! I am so glad you enjoyed it too!

  27. This is the sweetest gingerbread house, I have been searching for ideas. Thank you for all the little hints. A lot of love went into making this. The lights are such a great idea. Thanks from the USA!!
