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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Falling In Love Again...

To be a miniaturist is to be a risk taker. Each time we push the boundary of our skills we take a risk. Each time we try something new, we know there's a good possibility that we could fail miserably, costing time, frustration, and let's face it - money.

We see the work of so many outstandingly talented people, trying to rein in our little green monsters and wondering how long it will take before we are "good" at this. If I spend enough time. If I spend enough money. If I just keep trying...

But when we do succeed, oh how wonderful it is! That is when the risks finally pay off. We practice and practice our new little skills until we have it mastered. The joy of marveling at this little thing you dreamed is such an amazing high! That adds fuel to our raging fire, and we are ready for the next new challenge.

But miniatures can be like bad boyfriends. They treat you terribly for months. You dream of them, longing to spend time with them. You sacrifice time with friends and family for them. And in return, you get just enough satisfaction to keep the relationship going.

When you've finally had enough of the frustration, and are just about to break up with him for good, suddenly, magic happens. Some beautiful and perfect act of giving back, and you are back in love once again.

In moments of utter disgruntlement, like I've had today, I try to remember all of this. I pause, I slow my heart rate, I breath, I center and then I remember that I love all of this.

And then this happens...


  1. Beautiful! Stunning! Your hard work has paid off

    And you are so right about minis and boyfriends.....that is too funny! Love it.

    1. Thanks Kat! We are getting to the juicy part now!

  2. Wow! Just gorgeous...

    and you've reminded me that I have more work to do... So I'd better hop to it!

    1. I went through all of your Creatin' Contest posts the other day... You are a risk taker, my friend! I love it, and all of the little details are just wonderful! Can't wait to see it all come together for you!

  3. This is gorgeous! Love the boyfriend analogy!

  4. Your scene is beautiful, your writing poetic and your analogy accurate.
    Well done.

    1. I'm going to start paying you as my Life Coach, Alice! Big grins :0)))))))))))

  5. Replies
    1. Right back at you, lady! I just want to explore the Tropical Beach House! I wish you'd start taking 3D photos so I could spin them and zoom in to see all of the little details!!! Make sure you take TONS of photos and post them for us to see every angle!


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